Home » today » Business » Electric scooters under the magnifying glass of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Irregularities were detected in almost 90 percent. vehicles

Electric scooters under the magnifying glass of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Irregularities were detected in almost 90 percent. vehicles

Electric scooters are becoming an increasingly popular means of transport, especially in large cities. Recently, however, there has been more and more talk about accidents with them in the lead role. Voices about the danger of this type of transport may be amplified by the latest report The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

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UOKiK controls scooters. The results are not optimistic

UOKiK carried out an inspection in the second quarter of 2019. Provincial Trade Inspections from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, Podkarpackie and Śląskie carried out inspections in 20 companies that market scooters, skateboards and electric bicycles.

The results are not optimistic, as about 88 percent vehicles found irregularities. Most often they concern: failure to attach a description to the product or an incorrect description, as well as failure to indicate the standards used in the conformity assessment procedure. UOKiK also mentions incorrect preparation of operating instructions and incorrect marking of machines. During the inspections carried out, the inspectors submitted four notifications of suspected crime in connection with the finding that a product that did not meet the essential requirements had been placed on the market.

UOKiK: Lack of information on how to use the machines may lead to injuries

The Office noted that it was the first inspection of this type of product. As we read in the conclusions, it showed: “a high percentage of irregularities, which proves the low awareness of the applicable legal regulations among entrepreneurs placing these products on the market (…), however, it should be emphasized that, for example, there is no clearly formulated information on how to use machines, can lead to their misuse and consequent injury. “

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