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Electric car drivers in Greater Nancy face unfavorable news.

This is news that may not please electric car drivers. The Greater Nancy Metropolis has decided to change charging station operator, when its contract with Izivia, a subsidiary of EDF, came to an end. It is now the public company Modulo which takes over. Since March 20, the terminals have been gradually replaced in Greater Nancy car parks. Prices are also changed starting this Saturday, April 1.

The end of cheap top-ups

With the change of operator, it’s the end of low prices. The unlimited subscription at 150 euros per year disappears, the half-hour recharge at 50 cents also. The Modulo company is reviewing the prices upwards, it will now be necessary to pay a around ten euros for a full charge. “We are going to be at 40 cents per kWhexplains Patrick Hatzig, Vice-President for Mobility at the Métropole. And if we exceed the four hours of recharging, it will be seven cents more per minute”.

The Metropolis of Greater Nancy thus hopes discourage users who occupy the terminals too long charging. “They are mobilizing a place which should go to another user. We want to force them to withdraw their vehicle when the charge is finished”he says.

Blame it on rising electricity prices

If the new rates will surely make people cringe, the Metropolis of Greater Nancy ensures having no choice with rising energy prices. “It is clear that the rise in the cost of electricity has a lot to do with it.insisted Patrick Hatzig. The rates dated from 2018, but in five years the cost of living has increased, we were far from normal pricing”. And the vice-president of Mobility adds: “the Metropolis does not have to give electricity to users”.

Today, almost 3,000 electric cars circulate in Greater Nancy. A constantly increasing figure, according to forecasts, 10,500 electric vehicles should circulate in the Metropolis by 2025 and more than 57,000 by 2035. For the moment, there are onlytwenty charging stationsnotably in Nancy, Vendoeuvres, Laxou and Essey-lès-Nancy.

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