Home » News » Elections Reggio Calabria, the fall of Falcomatà: from 61% to 36%, in 6 years it has lost 30 thousand votes. And now Minicuci can really do it

Elections Reggio Calabria, the fall of Falcomatà: from 61% to 36%, in 6 years it has lost 30 thousand votes. And now Minicuci can really do it

22 September 2020 22:14

Reggio Calabria Municipal Elections, the result certifies the ruinous fall of the outgoing Mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà: he collapsed from 61% in 2014 to 36% today, losing almost 30,000 votes in six years

He lost nearly 30 thousand votes compared to the elections of October 2014 when he was crowned Mayor of Reggio Calabria with the 61% of Reggio’s preferences: Giuseppe Falcomatà in 6 years as administrator managed to squander a huge patrimony of consensus. He had gotten 58,171 votes as a candidate for Mayor of the hope of a new era, after the commissioner that had represented the darkest period of the city. A city that had placed all its hopes in that clean-faced boy: there were the best wishes and all the conditions to start a new season of good governance, but month after month, year after year, mistake after mistake, slip after slip, reshuffle after reshuffle and investigation after investigation, Reggio even came to regret the commissioners and said it loud and clear also in the ballot box of these municipal elections, in which with Falcomatà not even all the outgoing Assessors were candidates. And some of his staff even found them against (see Anghelone e Marched).

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato

Per Falcomatà even the Covid effect was not enough, decisive for the reconfirmation of all the outgoing institutional representatives who were re-nominated in the Municipalities and Regions of Italy: the possibility of managing the pandemic from a government role gave enormous visibility and also allowed to adopt strategies that have taken hold of the population, in need of reference points in a time of great fear, uncertainty and difficulty. It is no coincidence that all the governors who were reappointed to the Regionals have won as All in Liguria ed Emiliano in Puglia, or even swept away in the case of Zaia in Veneto e By Luca in Campania. This is also the case for the municipalities in the main cities where the outgoing candidate was re-nominated: Brugnaro in Venice he won in the first round with 54% of the votes, Palaces in Mantua even with 71%. In Trento the outgoing Andreatta (Pd) did not re-nominate but his heir of the same party won in the first round Ianeselli, in strong continuity with its predecessor.

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato

Falcomatà it is the only one, however, not to have benefited from the Covid effect, or to have benefited from it only for a partial recovery from the concomitant disaster of bad administration with which it has distinguished itself over the years. Even the army of lists (11) and candidates (333) was not enough to achieve a result that could be considered satisfactory for those who managed the power of the city for six long years, controlling Palazzo San Giorgio, Atam, Castore, etc. What if Falcomatà reached the 36% of preferences, means that the remaining 64% it has fragmented into the many competitors who have found space precisely because of the discontent with the outgoing. That 64% which includes the various Minicuci, Marched, Pazzano, David, Foti, Tortorella, Putortì e Siclari it is however a 64% versus Falcomatà, especially in the more strongly left-wing candidates such as that of Saverio Pazzano which achieved the excellent result of the 6,5% but who could never have aspired to such a figure if Falcomatà had not left all this space of disappointment in the left, so disappointed that he did not vote for the usual party and the main coalition.


Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato

Here’s why now Minicuci can really make it to become Mayor through the ballot: it will be a real referendum on Falcomatà and on his 6 years of government, and you will not be called to vote on ideological principles but much more simply on a person who can fix the roads, collect waste, repair the water network, turn on the public lighting, go back to heal public parks, giving Reggio to a normal city. Small things that do not depend on belonging to this or that party, to this or that party but simply on common sense and administrative competence.

Falcomatà has already launched his election campaign for the ballot, “the choice is between Reggio and the League“. Minicuci he replied in kind, “I repeat that I have never been a League member, I am a representative of the Center-right and the first party of my coalition is Forza Italia“. The result of the elections actually makes it less and less “Northern League” Minicuci, who has never been a Northern League player but was wanted and indicated by Salvini in person as a candidate in Reggio in strong contrast with local political representatives.

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato

In the center-right, however, it is now Forza Italia di Francesco Cannizzaro to drive the coalition, with an extraordinary result of a citizen record: beyond the11%, best of all, even the Democratic Party. Also considering the excellent 4,5% of “Let’s change with Toti” and the 3,4% of “Reactive“, A civic born just as a rib of Forza Italia, we have a coalition very much moved towards the center compared to yet another flop of League which stopped at a little significant 4,7%. Yet it had been right Cannizzaro, initially, to oppose the choice of Salvini its Minicuci for the method of the man lowered from above and for the merit of a competent technician but shy speaker, as the candidate actually demonstrated during the election campaign. Now he has taken the coalition back in hand and did it on the pitch, even if it will be a whole other game for the second round.

It starts from 0-0, and the needle of the balance will be decisive behavior of voters that in the first round they chose Marched, Pazzano, David, Foti and the others. Will they choose to have everything stay as it is today and as it has been for the last 6 long years, or will they try to change something?

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