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Elections France, Macron does not have a majority. For Le Pen record of seggi- Corriere.it

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Second round for the renewal of the national assembly: the president stops at 236 seats. 289 were needed. To govern now he will have to seek allies in Parliament

Emmanuel Macron it did not get a majority in parliament. The exit polls released at 8 pm and concerning the second round of legislative in France they immediately outlined a severe defeat for the president. The Ensemble party supporting Macron would have stopped at 224 seats, far below the required majority of 289. And even shortly after midnight, with 98% of the ballots scrutinized, this figure stopped at 236. The left cartel led by Jean-Luc Melenchon stood at 130 representatives. Historic boom for Marine Le Pen who could send 89 parliamentarians to the national assembly, a record: in the past legislature it had just 8 seats. For Les Republicains, the former Gaullists, the representation would reach 63 seats.

A week ago the first round for the renewal of the National Assembly it had ended in a heads up between the incumbent president and his antagonist of the Nupes (the new formation that brings together the radical left, ecologists and socialists): the 25.75 per Macron, il 25.66 per Melenchon. The two were divided by only 21,400 votes.

Now that the count has confirmed the picture drawn by the opinion polls, governing France will be a puzzle. It is no coincidence that the new prime minister Elisabeth Borne commented on the results speaking of an unprecedented situation and risk for the country.

A few minutes after the first responses, the Elysée declared its willingness to seek alliances. On our part there is an outstretched hand towards all those who want to keep the country going, the government spokeswoman said, Olivia Gregoire.And also the finance minister Bruno the Mayor he spoke of the need for compromises.

Macron will therefore have to seek the majority allying with other parties, but which ones? The incompatibility between the programs of the incumbent president and those of Melenchon is evident: Macron atlantist, liberal, open supporter of the NATO line in Ukraine, in favor of nuclear power; Melenchon theorized the exit of Paris from the Atlantic Alliance and from the atom, pushes for an expansion of social spending and for a lowering of the retirement age to 60 years. To be financed with higher taxes on wealth.

Aid to the Elysée could come from the Republicains, who had already sided in Macron’s favor in the run-off for the presidential elections. But the party president Christian Jacob has frozen expectations: We remain in the opposition his first words. In any case for Macron a cohabitation is expected with other political forces, as had already happened to Jacques Chiracforced to accept the socialist Lionel as prime minister Jospin between 1997 and 2002.

The first comment on the results came from jordan bardellapresident of the National Rassemblement of Marine Le Pen who defined the response of the polls a tsunami. Shortly after, the leader herself took the floor to announce thefirm but responsible opposition of his party. On the government front, Budget Minister Gabriel Attal laconically defined the projections far from expectations. Jean-Luc’s first words were sarcastic Melenchon that speaks of electoral checkmate for Macronia.


June 19, 2022 (change June 20, 2022 | 00:29)

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