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Elections, decisive meeting Renzi-Calenda for the third pole – Politics

“Cottarelli was not there when we were inside us, I think it was done there to be able to tell the voters there is no Calenda but there is Cottarelli. A move against me? I think so. But I commented on it. with a certain fair play. I think that Cottarelli commits a serious mistake because he goes to a coalition in which half of the Democratic Party and everything to the left of the Democratic Party and the M5S which will return with the Democratic Party two minutes after the elections they share nothing of what he has been telling Italians over the past five years. I am happy to have Cottarelli in Parliament because he is a person of quality “. Action leader Carlo Calenda told Rtl 102.5.” He is sure and everyone knows it. he – he adds – The only way to govern is to have a government that gives Fico, Conte, Di Maio, Fratoianni “.

The last “those were tumultuous days“and” I learned that in politics, unlike companies, until you are closed you are not closed. We see. What is important is that an alternative is created to this situation. Today we will decide, but I am optimistic, yes, “said Calenda, speaking of the electoral and coalition agreement with Renzi’s Italia Viva.

“Within 24 hours the alliance between Italy in the Center, We with Italy, Courage Italy and UDCto run with a single list of moderates in the next national political elections should become a reality. “This is confirmed by the president of the Liguria Region and of Italy at the Centro Giovanni Toti.

And yesterday there was a tough back-and-forth between Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni. The Pd secretary accuses the leader of FdI “of powdering herself” to “change her image” and she replies: “You don’t need face powder, we are consistent”. Meanwhile, the candidacies are beginning to emerge: Berlusconi wants to reappear in the Senate; Pd and + Europe focus on Cottarelli, while Si and Verdi on Ilaria Cucchi.

THE DAY OF TRUTH Today will be the day of truth for the birth of the third pole. After yesterday’s optimism, today is the day of prudence. Carlo Calenda in the morning considers the agreement “on basic matters” by now reached. But in the evening he flaunts caution: “By now – he jokes – I am very cautious, I missed a wedding recently … Apart from the jokes I hope for an agreement”. Matteo Renzi also takes time and, freezing all enthusiasm, uses the classic formula “if they are roses they will bloom”. Interviewed by Massimo Giannini on La Stampa.it, the secretary of Italia Viva brakes saying that he is “optimistic but also prudent”. And he implicitly teases his potential future partner, observing that his caution is a must “given the theater of the last few days”, from which, he adds: “I stayed away”. No details on the open knots, if at the center of the negotiations of these days there are the colleges, the symbol or the leadership: “If you make an agreement – explains Renzi – you need to understand what the prospect is for the next legislature, if there is one. it is a serious project: nominations and lists are the easiest things to agree on. The real question is: ‘do we want to make a pole of common sense in the next legislature? I am optimistic and prudent. or not”. Giannini presses him on the future leadership of this third pole. “I – replies Renzi – am ready to take a step back on leadership but first comes the agreement and then the names, which, as the Latins said, are a consequence of things. I’m not a waffle, I say that first comes the political project then comes personal generosity “.

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