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Elections 2020. Voting cards without a red seal. Will the votes be invalid?

A resident of Zakopane informed “Tygodnik Podhalański” that voting cards at Chramcówki in Circuit Commission No. 7 do not have one seal. – There was no red seal on the ballot paper, I could see there were more in the ballot box. Will our voices be valid? – asked the woman from Dziennik Podhalański.

The newspaper asked Grażyna Długosz from the District Electoral Commission in Nowy Sącz. According to her, the vote is invalid because the ballot should have two seals – the National Electoral Commission and the Regional Electoral Commission. – The card on which there is not even one of the seals is inauthentic, and inevitably the vote is invalid – told Grażyna Długosz to Tygodnik Podhalański.

Voters elsewhere had similar problems with the cards. They report this on social media.

Photo: Press materials

Other voters report similar problems on social media

We tried to contact the National Electoral Commission. Unfortunately, the phone was not answered from us.

Source: “Tygodnik Podhalański”

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