Filip thanked all the outgoing deputies for their work and also thanked the voters who supported the party in the elections and did not lose confidence in it.
Already this week, the college and subsequently other party bodies will meet to begin work on an in-depth analysis of why the party turned out the way it did.
“We couldn’t sell our work, explain why we took some steps. We were unable to communicate and present our program, ”said the Communist chief.
Filip admitted that these elections will be reflected in the November congress of the party. “We do not want to take hasty steps. Like me, others who led the campaign for this election will consider whether to continue, “he responded to the question whether the results of the election will also have a personnel impact.
“We have to look for the causes in ourselves,” said the chairman of the KSČM. “We need to improve communication and also evaluate how individual candidates have been able to reach voters,” he added.
Chairman of the KSČM Vojtěch Filip
Photo: Kateřina Šulová, ČTK