Home » today » Technology » Elected officials denounce Instagram’s ‘political censorship’ after the deletion of accounts of right-wing personalities

Elected officials denounce Instagram’s ‘political censorship’ after the deletion of accounts of right-wing personalities


Posted 1 hour ago, Updated 22 minutes ago


“Within a few days of each other, several political and/or media accounts with a large audience […] were abruptly closed, without explanation, on the Instagram platform,” warns, for example, RN MP Matthias Renault.

Is Meta-owned Instagram giant deleting ads? “patriotic accounts” influential? For several days, personalities or media from the national right have been warning about a «censure» which would take place on the American platform. Enough to lead to a questioning of the management of Facebook France, as well as to strong protests on social networks.

“It’s absurd”for example, David Alaime fumes on his social networks. Last week, the founder of the media Occidentis saw the Instagram account with 160,000 subscribers of this publication deleted by the company. “It’s been a week since anything was posted on this account because I’m on vacation.”he points out. Like him, the Instagram pages of Alice Cordier, president of the feminist collective Némésis, of the parody account “a good right”, of Borders and the Whistleblower Support Association have been abolished. “You can close Instagram accounts, but you will never take away our ideas and influence. Cut off one head and 10 will grow back.”s’agace Alice Cordier.

To support them, several political figures did not hesitate to speak out. On her X account, MEP Marion Maréchal denounces a “political censorship” and wants to meet the CEO of Meta France, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook. She also plans to launch an approach with the Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, Marina Ferrari. Éric Zemmour, also on X, brings his “support”. “They have done a remarkable job on social media. They defend France and the truth with more courage than so many politicians.”. RN MP Matthias Renault wrote to the CEO of Facebook France, Laurent Solly: “Within a few days of each other, several political and/or media accounts with a large audience […] were abruptly closed, without explanation, on the Instagram platform”notes the elected official in this letter, which “request [à l’homme d’affaires] the motivations» of these decisions.

“Liberthicidal excesses”

“After the withdrawal of C8 from TNT for political reasons, we are suspending patriotic Instagram accounts in series, essential for denouncing the excesses of our society. They will not succeed in erasing reality”denounces the RN MP Julien Limongi. As for Sarah Knafo, MEP Reconquête, she addresses directly the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen: “Instagram recently brutally and without explanation deleted accounts of French influencers. This is not a simple incident, but a flagrant proof of the power of American digital giants on our public debate. It is a direct threat to our sovereignty and our democracy.”

Sarah Knafo also accuses the European Union of favoring “these liberticidal excesses” and denounces the implementation of the Digital Services Act which, according to her, allows “to muzzle our voices”She asks Ursula von der Leyen: “Will the Commission revise the Digital Services Act to ban political censorship and ensure that platforms respect our freedom of expression?”

For its part, Instagram has not publicly reacted to these account closures. According to information from JDDMarion Maréchal and her team are said to have managed to meet Laurent Solly. He then asked the Instagram teams to check the situation of these accounts. A new meeting is said to be in preparation in the coming days.

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