The price of the Elastic share is on November 19, 2021, 5:56 p.m. on the domestic New York Stock Exchange at USD 179.31. The title is assigned to the “application software” sector.
We have analyzed this share in 6 points and rated it as “Buy”, “Hold” or “Sell”. At the end of the analysis you will find the resulting overall rating.
1. Investors: The mood in social networks has been mostly positive in the past few days. On 11 days the discussion was mainly characterized by positive topics, while on two days the negative communication predominated. For the past day or two, investors have also been talking increasingly about positive things about the Elastic company. As a result, the editors rate the share with a “Buy”. In summary, this results in a “buy” assessment for investor sentiment.
2. Sentiment and buzz: In addition to analyzes from banks, the yardstick for sentiment around stocks is also the long-term sentiment among investors and users on the Internet. The number of posts over a longer period of time and the change in mood provide a good long-term picture of the mood. We examined Elastic stock for these two factors. The number of articles or discussion intensity showed a high level of activity, which in our opinion can be used to generate a “Buy” rating. The rate of change in sentiment for Elastic remained low; hardly any changes could be identified. This corresponds to a “hold” rating. In this respect, we are giving the Elastic share a “Buy” rating in terms of long-term sentiment.
3. Technical analysis: The average of the closing price of the Elastic share for the last 200 trading days is currently USD 142.92. The last closing price (179.48 USD) thus deviates +25.58 percent, which corresponds to a “buy” rating from a technical chart point of view. Let’s look at the average over the last 50 trading days. For this (USD 166.17) the last closing price is also above the moving average (+8.01 percent deviation). The Elastic share is therefore given a “Buy” rating on this shorter-term basis. The bottom line is that the Elastic share receives a “Buy” rating for the simple chart technique.
Buy, hold or sell – your Elastic analysis from 20.11. provides the answer:
How will Elastic develop now? Is your money safe in this stock? The answers to these questions and why you need to act now can be found in the latest analysis of the Elastic share.
Elastic: Buy or Sell? Read more here …