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‘El Vaca’ promised 100,000 pesos to participants in the attack against García Harfuch

José Armando alias’The cow‘, arrested for participating in the attempt against Omar García Harfuch, he would be head of assassins of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG).

It should be remembered that said criminal body, led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes alias ‘El Mencho’, was identified as the person responsible for this morning’s attack against the Chief of Police.

The detainee identified as José Armando alias’The cow“Presumably he would be under the orders of Carlos Andrés Rivera Varela alias’ Morro”, regional leader of the CJNG.

During this Friday afternoon more details about the attempt perpetrated against Omar García Harfuch, head of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CDMX).

Now it has been drawn to ‘The cow‘as the person responsible for recruiting people who participated in the attack, which failed to end the life of the Chief of the Capital Police.

According to journalist Carlos Jiménez, the individual promised to give cash to those who agreed to participate in the crime.

Apparently the sum that the now accused offered to each of his recruits were nothing more and nothing less than 100 thousand pesos for helping in the articulation of the attempt against Omar García Harfuch.

The first reports establish that José Armando alias’The cow‘comes from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, although no further details are given as to who may have sent him to Mexico City to lash out at Omar García Harfuch.

After participating in the event that left three people dead, the subject was detained by the SSC-CDMX intelligence team at the Tláhuac mayor’s office.

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