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El Comercio Answers: Electricity Bonus: click HERE to find out if you access the benefit of

You can already verify if you are part of the group of beneficiaries of the This subsidy from It seeks to help low-income families cover electric bill payments from March to December this year.

LOOK: New Bonus 760 soles: can I be a beneficiary if I have already received another subsidy?

Since last July 27, the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining () published the list of people who will access this bonus during the health emergency by the . This was possible after reviewing the information provided by the electricity distribution companies.

The financial aid consultation is virtual, so it is not necessary that you go to the electricity companies. In addition, you should bear in mind that 160 soles they will automatically be applied to unpaid electricity bills.

Who is the Electricity Bond for?

The voucher will be delivered only once to targeted residential users in socioeconomic segments D and E. 77% of beneficiaries of this financial aid are located in the interior of the country and 23% in Lima. The Government seeks to reach 11 million 400 thousand Peruvians.

What are the requirements to access the Electricity Bonus?

  • Users must not have consumed more than 125 kWh / month on receipts issued between March 2019 to February this year.
  • Do not record average consumption greater than 150 kWh / month in January and February 2020.
  • The supply should not be located in apples classified as high and medium-high strata, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).
  • Being a residential user of the electricity service of unconventional rural electrical systems supplied with autonomous photovoltaic supply, registered in March 2020. Includes users with BT8 Rates and Autonomous RER Rate.

Where to see if I am a beneficiary of the Electricity Bond 160 soles?

To find out if you are a beneficiary of 160 soles voucher you just have to follow these steps:

  • Enter the platform .
  • Select the electricity distribution company that provides the service.
  • Put the supply number or customer number that appears on the electricity bills.
  • Click on consult and wait for the message that will confirm if you are a beneficiary or not.

How is the Electricity Bond delivered?

The voucher will not be physically delivered to the beneficiaries. He Electricity Bonus it will be transferred directly to the electricity companies; so that they cover the amounts of the electricity bills pending payment of the residential users mentioned in the decree.

“There are households whose consumption is 16 soles a month and will last for 10 months, that is, as the Government we will subsidize ten months of energy payment. There are households that consume 32 soles, so it will be enough to pay your receipt for five months ”, explained the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra.

How many electricity bills can the Electricity Bond cover?

The coverage will be calculated up to the limit of the subsidy, which has a value of 160 soles. That is, if a user has a consumption of S / 16 monthly, the bonus will be enough to cover ten months of the electricity bill.

If I don’t know my customer number or supply number, what can I do?

You can check at the top of any of your receipts, otherwise contact the electricity company that distributes the service, through the communication channels that have been made available to users.

If my electricity bill is in the claim process, can I access the Electricity Bonus?

He 160 soles voucher It is applicable in the receipts that are not in claim, however, you can access this benefit at the end of the claim process and also in other receipts that have not generated any claim.

If two or more families live in the same house, will we all receive the Electricity Bonus?

The voucher is given one per electricity supply, that is, if the two or more families have a single supply, it corresponds to receive only one voucher.

What happens if I am up to date with all the payments of my electricity bills?

The validity of Electricity Bonus It is from March 2020 to December 2020. In this case, the receipts that are issued within the period may benefit from the subsidy. If you have paid previous receipts, you can use the bonus for future receipts until December 2020.


Midis: Second tranche of the Universal Family Bond will be paid from August 7 or 14

Midis: Second tranche of the Universal Family Bond will be paid from August 7 or 14 07/30/202


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