Home » today » World » El Chapo came to have the same power as the president of Mexico, AMLO lamented

El Chapo came to have the same power as the president of Mexico, AMLO lamented

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said that at some point in previous governments in Mexico, criminals like Joaquín “Chapo” Guzmán, head of the Sinaloa cartel, had the same power and influence as the president of the Republic.

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“There came a time when Guzmán Loera had the same power or the same influence that the president had at the time who held the highest position in the Government of the Republic because there was a contubernio and that prevented those who committed the crimes from being punished, that has already happened to history, to the garbage dump of history, ”said the president in a video through which he transmitted his New Year’s message.

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In the video, recorded in the ruins of Palenque, Chiapas, he listed various achievements of his administration, such as separating crime from authority, “Paint the line very clearly so that what happened in previous governments does not happen.”

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López Obrador He acknowledged that his Government still has a great slope in terms of security and combat violence, however, said he was confident that he could eradicate this problem by attacking the root causes.

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“We have pending problems such as insecurity and violence, but I am very confident that we will calm down, We are going to calm down our country because corruption is not allowed, because the causes that led to insecurity and violence in Mexico are being addressed“, said.

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On the fight against crime, AMLO stressed that one of the main objectives of his administration is to separate crime from authority to prevent infiltration or collusion. with security forces, as was the case in previous governments.

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On the other hand, he celebrated the progress and changes that Mexico has experienced in this first year of the fourth transformation of the public life of our country. And above all, he celebrated the fight against corruption and drug trafficking.

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Nevertheless, López Obrador’s security strategy was widely criticized during 2019, mainly in January when he said he was at peace in the country, so the war against drug cartels no longer existed.

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He was also questioned having disappeared to the Federal Police to make way for the National Guard, an elite body that would be in charge of the fight against the narco, but that was finally used to contain the thousands of Central American migrants who arrived in Mexico with the aim of crossing the border with the United States.

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Another fact that was criticized for security was lto retention and subsequent release in Culiacán de Ovidió Guzmán, son of Guzmán Loera, after the Sinaloa cartel took the entire city with a balance of 13 deaths, under the requirement that the son of El Chapo had to be released.

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The federal government justified the argued release that was necessary to prevent further loss of life.

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The president reaffirmed his commitment to “moralize and purify” the public life of the country “so that he has moral authority and can have political authority.”

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Finallyndrés Manuel López Obrador sent a congratulatory message to all Mexicans, regardless of their political current or religion.

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“I send a warm, affectionate, sincere hug to all Mexicans, regardless of the current of thought to which they belong or the religion they profess. We have to unite all Mexicans and I wish them congratulations for 2020 ”, he concluded.

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