Home » today » Health » El Abra Mining Company held its first agroecological seminar – Mining Report

El Abra Mining Company held its first agroecological seminar – Mining Report

This activity was part of the Agricultural Fund promoted by the company and was aimed at small agricultural and livestock producers from the Province of Loa and Tocopilla.

Around 80 participants met at the First agroecological seminar called “Solutions for desert agriculture”, held by Minera El Abrawithin the framework of the Agricultural Fund, whose main objective was to help strengthen the development of agricultural activity in the region through technology transfer and the traditional exchange of seeds between farmers from different localities.

The The activity was aimed primarily at the beneficiaries of the three versions of the fund, as well as cooperatives, organizations and associations of small farmers in the rural sectors of Calama, the oasis of Quillagua, Ollagüe, Tocopilla and communities of Alto El Loa.The seminar featured four speakers who addressed topics related to soil management and appropriate fertilization solutions, water recovery, biodynamic worm filters, and theory and practice in livestock and agriculture, among others.

“We hope that This seminar has been an important space for the exchange of ideas between exhibitors and participants.“We want them to take away specific advice and applications to put into practice on their farms and improve their productivity levels,” said Sergio Molina, Community Dialogue Manager at Minera El Abra.

The most anticipated moment of the day was experienced with the Traditional seed exchange where neighbors actively participated in a seed “exchange” of corn, parsley, chili, carrot, carob, chañar and even honey.

Lilian Colamar de Caspana, a seminar participant, said: “It has been interesting, because It helps us to know the type of soil and it will help us in the matter that we will be able to use something more natural.less insecticide.”

For her part, Teresa Aguirre, a resident of the rural sector of Chunchuri in Calama, said: “I am amazed by this seed exchange activity that I managed to exchange with my neighbors in the sector. Every day I try to learn because it is a challenge to do agriculture in this desert.. Every time there is a talk I participate, because what they teach goes hand in hand with the environment.”

He The Agricultural Fund began in 2022 and seeks to promote productive diversification in the regionsupporting initiatives focused on agricultural development in the area, strengthening them to make them more efficient and productive. This year, 41 projects were benefited.

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