Home » today » Health » Eka Hospital Presents ICIR for Aggressive Therapy for Blood Cancer Patients

Eka Hospital Presents ICIR for Aggressive Therapy for Blood Cancer Patients

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Eka Hospital present Immunocompromised Isolation Room (ICIR) to ensure the safety of blood cancer (leukaemia) patients who are on chemotherapy for aggressive treatment. The use of the ICIR room can help patients avoid the risk of contracting other disease infections when the body is vulnerable after the chemotherapy process.

ICIR is a positive pressure sterile isolation room specifically designed for the chemotherapy treatment process in blood cancer patients, thereby avoiding the risk of infection from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Eka Hospital Group, drg. Rina Setiawati, explained that this ICIR room is one of the services needed when someone is undergoing blood cancer treatment. The ICIR room is not only for patients undergoing chemotherapy, but can also be used as a transplant room.

“The difference with isolation rooms in general is that this is a room for decreased immunity for patients undergoing chemotherapy, so the room is special and completely sterile,” he explained.

Chairman Eka Tjipta Widjaja Cancer Center (ETWCC), dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, also emphasized that as a cancer service center, ETWCC will continue to use modern and sophisticated technology and comprehensive tools in the treatment of cancer patients.

Starting from early detection such as Anatomical Pathology (PA) examination with results same day which will speed up the diagnosis of cancer. Besides usage Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan and Genetic Testing in order to increase the validity of the detection of cancer cells in the body.

Integrated services for blood cancer for patients who are included in the three major groups of blood cancer, such as LeukemiaLymphoma and Multiple Myeloma also available at Eka Hospital.

For information, not all hospitals in Indonesia, even in big cities on the island of Java, are able to provide treatment for blood cancer, because it is considered difficult and expensive.

However, Eka Hospital provides integrated services with sophisticated facilities and infrastructure. This is also supported by a team of doctors from various disciplines and members of the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) which is solid with professional human resources.

Internal Medicine Consultant Medical Oncology Hematology, dr. Cosphiadi Irawan, said that blood cancer patients with aggressive chemotherapy are treated in the ICIR treatment room to avoid the risk of viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

This is because aggressive chemotherapy can reduce the body’s immune system. As an isolation room for blood cancer patients and for transplants, ICIR is equipped with positive pressure air filtration using a HEPA filter.

As a result, this room is able to produce air quality with low pathogenic germ particles according to standard standards from the Ministry of Health.

In addition, ICIR is also equipped with an air conditioning system that can guarantee room sterility with a heating process mechanism (Heating), ventilation (Ventilation), and air cooler (Air Conditioning) or commonly known as HVAC.

During intensive care in ICIR, patients will receive close monitoring. Patients will undergo treatment preparations, including supporting examinations and consultations with relevant specialists to ensure there is no infection.

Blood tests, administration of drugs and intravenous fluids, body hygiene, exercises and body stretching are routinely carried out during treatment, and blood transfusions will be carried out if needed.

In addition, as a form of improving its services, especially for cancer patients, Eka Hospital will present proton therapy, namely external radiation therapy using high-energy protons to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells.

Proton therapy is a treatment for cancer patients in reducing side effects that are commonly experienced in conventional radiotherapy. This system works by shooting a beam of protons right at the tumor site, where these particles release their energy without hitting the rest of the body.

Compared to other treatment methods, such as chemotherapy or even surgical removal of cancer, proton therapy is much safer and provides a better quality of life for patients during radiation therapy.

Rina added, with the complete tools and technology that will be owned by ETWCC, Eka Hospital Group is ready to help Indonesian patients seek treatment at home, so that Eka Hospital will also reduce the rate of patients going abroad.


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