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EITI: Togo’s suspension lifted

Title: Republic of Togo’s Suspension from Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Lifted

Date: June 5th, 2023

The Republic of Togo has been reinstated as a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) after its suspension was lifted on June 5th. The EITI Board had temporarily suspended Togo on February 1st, 2023, due to the country’s failure to publish its 2020 EITI Report within the given timeframe. However, after six months, the Togolese authorities successfully met the requirements, leading to the lifting of the suspension.

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is a global standard that promotes transparency and accountability in the extractive industry sector. Member countries commit to disclosing information throughout the entire value chain, including licensing conditions, extraction processes, and how revenues benefit the government and the people.

Togo’s suspension was a result of its non-compliance with the EITI reporting guidelines. The EITI Board had given the Togolese authorities a six-month period to publish the overdue 2020 EITI Report. Failure to meet this deadline led to the temporary suspension, which served as a reminder of the importance of adhering to the transparency standards set by the EITI.

During the suspension period, Togo worked diligently to rectify the situation and fulfill its obligations. The lifting of the suspension signifies the country’s commitment to transparency and accountability in its extractive industry sector. It also highlights Togo’s dedication to meeting international standards and fostering a favorable investment climate.

The EITI plays a crucial role in promoting good governance and preventing corruption in the extractive industry. By disclosing information about licensing, revenue distribution, and the overall value chain, member countries ensure that the sector operates in a fair and sustainable manner. Togo’s reinstatement demonstrates its willingness to uphold these principles and work towards a more transparent and accountable extractive industry.

As Togo resumes its membership in the EITI, it will continue to contribute to the global efforts of promoting transparency and accountability in the extractive industry sector. The country’s commitment to publishing timely and comprehensive EITI Reports will not only enhance its own governance practices but also inspire other nations to follow suit.

In conclusion, the Republic of Togo’s suspension from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has been lifted, marking a significant step towards transparency and accountability in the country’s extractive industry sector. Togo’s successful efforts in meeting the EITI reporting requirements demonstrate its commitment to international standards and its determination to foster a fair and sustainable extractive industry.

How does the reinstatement of Togo as a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative benefit the country and its citizens

Requirements. The country had failed to timely publish its 2020 EITI Report, which violated the transparency standards set by the initiative. The suspension served as a reminder to Togo of the importance of adhering to the EITI guidelines.

During the six-month suspension period, the Togolese authorities worked diligently to rectify the non-compliance issue. They made significant efforts to compile and publish the necessary information and data related to the extractive industry sector. This included providing details on licensing conditions, revenue flows, and how these benefits are utilized by the government and the people.

After a thorough review of Togo’s actions and progress, the EITI Board decided to lift the suspension and reinstate the country as a member. This recognition not only signifies Togo’s commitment to transparency and accountability in the extractive industry sector but also demonstrates its dedication to implementing the global standards set by the EITI.

The reinstatement of Togo as a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is a significant milestone for the country. It highlights the government’s commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable management of natural resources. By actively participating in the EITI, Togo is better positioned to attract international investment and ensure that the revenues generated from its extractive industry sector are used for the benefit of its citizens.

Moving forward, Togo must continue to fulfill its reporting obligations to the EITI and maintain transparency in its extractive industry sector. This includes timely publication of the annual EITI reports and continued efforts to disclose relevant information to the public.

The lifting of Togo’s suspension serves as a reminder to all member countries of the importance of complying with the EITI standards. It underscores the need for accountability and transparency in the extractive industry sector worldwide. Finally, it reinforces the idea that adherence to these global standards can lead to improved governance, economic growth, and sustainable development in resource-rich countries like Togo.

2 thoughts on “EITI: Togo’s suspension lifted”

  1. This is a positive and encouraging development for Togo. The lifting of their suspension from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) indicates progress in their efforts to improve transparency and accountability in their extractive industries sector. Hopefully, this will lead to greater trust and responsible management of their natural resources for the benefit of the country and its people.

  2. Great news for Togo! The lifting of their suspension from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a promising step towards more accountability and transparency in their extractive industries. Exciting times ahead for Togo’s resource management.


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