Predict gravity by studying the process of universe formation
DESI project research team consisting of Koreans … Analysis of more than 6 million galaxies and unique celestial objects
Even on distant celestial bodies outside the solar system … The expected results will be according to the gravity calculation formula
A neutrino whose mass is not precisely known… An upper limit is suggested through computational experiments.
A view of the sky with the Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, USA during the Geminid meteor shower 2023. KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/R. Provided by Sparks Scientists have succeeded in proving Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the theory that measures gravity, outside the solar system and in the space-time of the universe that has been formed over 11 billion years.
The Dark Energy Spectroscopy Instrument (DESI) project research team studied the process of forming the structure of the universe over 11 billion years, confirmed that gravity works as predicted by general relativity, and published results the research on the pre-publication site of the paper on the website. 19th (local time). The results of the research will be presented at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society to be held in Maryland, USA, in January next year.
The DESI project research team, which began in 2021, uses a telescope made up of 5,000 small fiber-optic robots located at the top of Mount Kitt Peak in Arizona, USA. Research data is collected by looking in detail at the light spectrum from distant galaxies. Many Korean researchers, including the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Sejong University, are also participating in the DESI project.
In April, the DESI research team unveiled the largest three-dimensional (3D) space map ever as its first achievement. The results of an analysis showing that dark energy is not a fixed value presented in existing conventional cosmology but that it can change with time are also presented.
● Gravity calculated by Einstein is consistent even on the global scale
The general theory of relativity proposed by Einstein explains the identity of gravity. Objects with mass, such as stars and planets, have been shown to bend space-time. Gravity is a force that acts between objects and contributes to the creation of the current universe. Image source: Wikimedia Gravity is a force that acts between matter and contributes to the formation of the current universe in the early universe. The research team extracted more information based on observational data and confirmed the gravity calculation formula by studying the growth of the space structure. As a result of the analysis of about 6 million galaxies and quasars, which are unique objects, it has been confirmed that the method of calculating gravity derived from Einstein’s theory of general relativity corresponds to the expected results even on a large cosmetic scale.
Hong Seong-wook, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Astronomy and Space Science explained, “This does not mean that we could not prove the general theory of homosexuality itself,” and added, “It is a prove it anyway. the gravity calculation formula derived from the general theory of relativity has been corrected.”
Gravity depends on the distance between two objects. Scientists continue to discuss the ‘modified gravity’ theory, which adds correction values to calculate the gravity between very distant objects or to explain phenomena such as black holes. Since celestial bodies within the solar system are very close, they had little or no effect on the expected correction values. This study revealed that general relativity explains gravity well even for distant celestial bodies.
Senior researcher Hong said, “By observing galaxies from the distant universe, we can see how matter clumped together affects the distribution pattern of matter in the universe. what
● Reduce the range of unknown neutrino masses
The DESI research team also contributed to determining the mass of neutrinos. Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles that make up the universe, and among the particles that have been discovered so far, they are the only particles whose mass is not known with certainty. some Although they move at a speed close to light, they rarely interact with other objects, so they are also called ‘ghost bears’.
There are three known types of neutrinos. Scientists are finding the size of a neutrino by narrowing down the range of the sum of the sizes of the three types of neutrinos. Previous research has shown that the sum of the masses of the three types of neutrinos must be at least 0.059 eV/c² (a very small mass unit, 1 electron volt divided by the square of the speed of light).
The DESI research team performed a neutrino mass calculation experiment based on observational data and found that the total mass of the three neutrinos should be less than 0.071 eV/c², suggesting a new upper limit. They succeeded in reducing the neutrino mass field. Senior researcher Hong said, “It is assumed that neutrinos affected the shape of the distribution of matter in the early stages of the universe.”
The DESI research team plans to collect data on approximately 40 million galaxies and quasars by the end of the project. Senior researcher Hong said, “Past DESI research results, which suggested that dark energy may change over time, are still cautious predictions,” and added, “The signal will clear question by the end of the DESI project.” He continued, “The results of the DESI project could provide answers to problems or, on the other hand, raise new problems. “
Donga Science Reporter Lee Byeong-gu [email protected]
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