Home » today » News » Eindhoven closes all shops at 4 p.m. due to crowds, Rotterdam shops also close earlier | Inland

Eindhoven closes all shops at 4 p.m. due to crowds, Rotterdam shops also close earlier | Inland

The spokesman does not want to anticipate on Sunday, but “if the situation is comparable to today, these kinds of measures are also needed tomorrow,” he said. “We have been calling for two days to go to town alone, and only when urgently needed. So hopefully that will help people to think again on Sunday before coming to the center. ”


It is also getting too busy in Rotterdam, the safety region reports. It calls on people to stop coming to the center of the city, Alexandrium and Zuidplein. To prevent the public from coming to the center, access is restricted. The municipality had previously reported that the shops in the center are no longer allowed to let in new people at 5 p.m. and that they must close their doors completely at 6 p.m.


Dordrecht also closes the shops on Saturday at 4 p.m. due to crowds. The mayor has issued an emergency ordinance for this purpose. Retailers have been told that they are not allowed to let new customers in after 3:30 PM.


The municipality of Amsterdam reports that it is too busy in the shopping area in the city center around 1.30 pm. That is why, just like Friday, there is one-way traffic for pedestrians in the Kalverstraat.

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