Eight years have passed since Iveta Bartošová’s death. The birthday of the widow Josef Rychtář also falls on the day when the singer came to life. Instead of celebrations, however, he has been going to the cemetery for eight years and to the monuments that stand at the place where the accident took place. In the interview, Rychtář told Nova television what life is like without Iveta, and he also remembered the events of a fateful day.
“We will never forget.” These are the words on the monument that stands at the railway crossing in Prague’s Uhříněves – not far from the place where the life of the singer Iveta Bartošová died out exactly over eight years ago. It is used for fans who have not forgotten about the pop princess to this day. A short distance away is another place of reverence. This time right at the dormitory, where Bartošová decided to end her life.
The place is too dangerous for an official monument to stand there, yet Josef Rychtář, the widower of Iveta Bartošová, goes there regularly. He went there with the staff of TV Nova on the anniversary of her death. “Since the misfortune, I come here every 29th of the month, except in February, which is short, I come here 28. I come here every month regardless of the season and weather. Because I have the number 29 written down as the blackest day of my life,” he said. with Rychtář.
“I will come here as long as I live. I have loved her and I love her to this day, even if she is not physically here,” he said, calling her an amazing, kind, and attentive being. After her death, he shut himself in. “I live decently in a way, I don’t live socially. It has lost its meaning for me,” he revealed.
He rules out revenge
He also remembered the fateful day in the interview. “It happened that I was looking for Ivetka, I ran to the imaginary barriers, I didn’t see her. I can’t see them here from those barriers. She came up the slope behind the corridor. It happened here,” he pointed to the place where the train was killed by the train.
On the day it happened, Rychtář celebrated his birthday. In connection with this, some media wrote about Bartošová’s suicide as revenge for Rychtář. But he rules it out. “If she wanted revenge, or if she was disappointed in living with me, she wouldn’t write what she wrote in the farewell letter. If I let her down and I was the impetus for what happened, she would let me know.” would be in that letter, “believes the widower.
Hey, Mr. Disc Jockey and Little Knows Me: Remember the biggest eighties of Iveta Bartošová
“It must have been a short circuit”
“I wonder what her motive was. I don’t think it was thoughtful, there must have been some short circuit,” he added, reiterating that she wasn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time. “I received an autopsy report and none of these substances were mentioned there,” he said.
The TV Nova staff also went to the cemetery with Rychtář. Many little angels are laid out on the monument, some of which Bartošová received from her fans. But her body is not stored in place, because Rychtář has the urn at home. “I see her every day. I don’t want anyone to experience this,” he said, wishing Iveta was still here. “She could look forward to Arthur’s grandchildren, who will definitely be,” he added.
Soon, TV Nova will present a miniseries dedicated to Iveta Bartošová’s life via the Voyo portal: