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Eight years in prison and TBS for rape in Almere-Haven

The court in Lelystad
Eight years in prison and TBS for rape in Almere-Haven

In collaboration with

Broadcast Flevoland

NOS news

A 48-year-old man from Almere has been sentenced to eight years in prison and TBS with compulsory treatment. Last July he raped a woman for a long time in Almere-Haven. The court also asked the man to pay compensation of 25,000 euros to his victim.

The man dragged the woman into the bushes while she was walking the dog on July 16 last year. There she was allegedly brutally raped for 45 minutes Broadcast Flevoland.

“When I saw her for the first time, I knew immediately: I will never get my mother back,” the victim’s daughter Almere said in court. “She is broken.”

The woman had given birth to a grandchild three months earlier. “She worked and was a woman full of life. But from the brutal rape, her life has been destroyed forever and she has become unknown. She lives completely in fear, my mother is not my mother anymore,” said her daughter.

The victim’s lawyer called the rape aggressive, sad and frightening. “She was really sure she wasn’t going to live.” The woman also felt that she had moved from Almere, because the rapist said he knew where she lived.


The rapist fled when he heard rustling in the bushes. He took the victim’s phone with him. Police were able to locate the cell phone and arrest the suspect. His DNA turned out to match the DNA found on the woman’s body.

According to the public prosecutor, the man had also grabbed a woman who was walking her dog ten days earlier. She managed to escape when her dog jumped up on her attacker and stood between him and his owner.

Previously convicted

For this act and the rape, attempted murder and phone theft ten days later, the officer asked for eight years in prison and TBS with compulsory treatment against the man. The court also agreed because the suspect was previously convicted of raping a minor and threatening to rape.

The suspect remained largely silent during the trial. “I didn’t cooperate in the psychological tests at the Pieter Baan Center, because I don’t have any disorder. And I don’t want to say anything, because I’m too ashamed.”

2024-08-13 21:02:16

#years #prison #TBS #rape #AlmereHaven

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