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eight out of ten wood burners do not check Stookwijzer

Burning wood worry

With RTL News·8 minutes ago·Modified: 1 minute ago



Less than half (45 percent) of people with a wood stove, pellet stove or fireplace are familiar with the Stookwijzer, according to research conducted by the RTL News Panel. Of the stockists who are familiar with the site, 54 percent also say they never look at it before lighting the stove. This means that around eight out of ten stove owners do not know about the Heating Guide and/or do not check it.

As Heating instructions using the color codes of each postcode to indicate when it is best not to use heat, with the aim of preventing nuisance and air pollution. There are no national regulations regarding wood burning, but to prevent inconvenience to neighbors and the environment, the government advises stokers not to burn in case of a code red.

But not all stockists seem to be looking at this. And of the people who study the Stookwijzer, a third say that they don’t always follow the advice. “Because we don’t use the central heating, gas is too expensive,” explains one respondent. And some people do not have much confidence in the Stookwijzer’s advice: “Because it is not regularly responding to the current local situation.”

Changes to the heating instructions

The updated Stookwijzer is being introduced today. For example, the Heating Guidelines now provide heating advice for time blocks of six hours. Stokers will then know in the afternoon if they can shoot in the evening without causing a disturbance.

A red code will also be issued as standard for wind force 2 or less. Research by the RIVM showed that more than half of the disturbance reports are made at wind force 2 or less, as the forest smoke can then spread less. In addition, the Stookwijzer will also be available as an app on the phone today Users can set that they want to be notified when a code red applies in their area.

Wake up

The poll shows that one third of Dutch people are sometimes troubled by wood smoke, 4 in 5 suffer from the smell of smoke in their home, and two thirds (67 percent) are forced to close windows and close ventilation grills. In addition, health complaints such as shortness of breath, cough and throat and eye irritation are often mentioned: “I have COPD and that smoke affects my lungs immediately,” said one of the panel members who were interviewed. And another says: “The smoke that will be released makes my eyes water. I have to cough and I have to close the windows and doors.”

Face burning neighbors

It is difficult for people to approach neighbors who light their own fires about the disturbance, two thirds have never done so, a fifth only once. “I know they use that as the only option to heat the house,” someone said. Others tried to start the conversation, but they said it was useless: “I’m getting yelled at. I’m the weird neighbor from five houses away and the police and other authorities don’t do anything about it.”

Even fewer people submit a report, for example through the city or Stookwijzer. “It is then said that you have to find a solution together,” explained one participant. And another man points out that the city can’t do anything: “Complaining is pointless if there are no rules that can be enforced. “


There have been rules in Amersfoort since 1 October: heating is not allowed there if the Fuel Indicator is red or orange, unless an agreement has been made with the neighbours. Many panel members like this approach: 55 percent think it’s a good measure, 37 percent think it’s a bad measure.

But opinions are more divided about the introduction everywhere: 45 percent are for this, 46 percent are not. “Holland is going crazy. Support and no freedom,” wrote a participant who doesn’t like the rules. Advocates mostly point to the environmental and health effects of wood smoke: “Because I believe it shouldn’t be possible to just damage someone’s health. “

Diametrically opposite each other

Stove owners are directly at odds with people who are bothered by wood smoke on this issue. Of the people who have a wood stove, fireplace or pellet stove, only 15 percent are interested in introducing these regulations nationally. Of the people who are troubled, 82 percent believe that these rules should be introduced everywhere.

Only a fifth (21 percent) of people want to ban wood stoves and fireplaces completely, as the city of Utrecht wants to do from 2030, and 72 percent don’t think it’s a good idea that is. Of the people who are bothered by wood smoke, half (48 percent) are in favor of a complete ban.


The survey was conducted between October 10 and 15 among more than 18,000 members of the RTL News Panel, including nearly 3,500 people who have a wood stove, pellet stove or fireplace. After weighting, the survey represents five variables, namely: age, gender, education, employment and political choice. The RTL News Panel has over 43,000 members. Would you also like to participate in research with the RTL News Panel from now on? Then register here!

2024-10-24 05:00:00

#ten #wood #burners #check #Stookwijzer

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