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eight of them are completely naked – Libero Quotidiano

Otto men and women who participated in the rave party in the Viterbo area they broke away from the abusive gathering to go shopping completely naked in a supermarket in Manciano (in the province of Grosseto). People protested, also for the attention on the Covid containment and the possible presence of minors. This is what the Tourism Councilor denounces Valeria bruni. The raid took place in the days of the Rave. “The most serious damage we have had in recent days – says Bruni – is that of our image towards tourists and towards our fellow citizens. In these days, eight naked people have been reported to us in a supermarket and people are very angry about this. unequal treatment between Rave participants who did what they wanted and ordinary citizens who have to abide by the rules “.

After all, illegality ruled the rave. The first budget of the Carabinieri of Grosseto speaks of 400 people checked, two hundred vehicles and two arrests. The aim of the weapon was to continuously monitor and ensure a constant presence along the main roads as well as in small towns. The activity of these days has involved all the branches of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command, even those not directly involved, and saw the participation of the other police forces and various local police commands; a circumstance that also required considerable coordination work.

Among the two hundred identified, a dozen were reported to the Prefecture as drug users. Specifically, about 60 grams of hashish and cocaine. Two young people residents in Milan, on the other hand, were arrested for outrage, injury and resistance to a public official: on their return from the Rave del Viterbese they had stopped by some relatives in the Amiata area. The intervention of the carabinieri was necessary because the girl was in a state of agitation, but in an attempt to calm the spirits two soldiers reported injuries and will have them respectively for 10 and 15 days. The two are now under house arrest in Lombardy.

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