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Eight more years in prison for the swindler from his cell in the Châteaudun detention center

Nothing. Not a hint of apologies to the victims. Not a regret. “These are banal scams,” just commented Achref Sayhi, at the Chartres court.

The defendant, as well as six other people suspected of being his accomplices, had been tried since Thursday for having committed numerous scams, from the bottom of his cell, at the Châteaudun detention center, in 2018 and 2019.

“I sing in a violin”

“I am flabbergasted! », Loose Me Guillaume Fallourd, who defends the interests of one of the victims, from whom the man managed to extract € 500,000.
The lawyer describes the turpitudes of a lady “a little lost, who had just lost her father and her cat. She inherits € 600,000 ”.

According to the elements disclosed at the hearing, this woman saw nothing but fire, when he telephoned her, posing in turn for a police officer, then for an executive of the bank in which she deposited her savings, to warn her that her money was no longer safe and that she had to buy gold to keep it safe. The swindler also usurped the identity of an examining magistrate, on the emails he sent him. Always from the back of his cell.

“I sing in a violin”, estimates the lawyer. “She will never get her money back. Besides, where did the money and the bullion go? “You don’t think I’m going to tell you,” replied the defendant to the examining magistrate, who asked him the question. “I’ll need it for the day I do eventually get out of jail.” “

A heavy criminal record of 67 pages

The defendant was 43 years old last Sunday and Christelle Housset, the public prosecutor, did the accounts.

“In two years, he embezzled 1.543 million euros. He has been sentenced fifty times. His criminal record is 67 pages long and he has been detained in 58 different prisons. The total of his cumulative sentences reached 73 years. It’s incredible ! “

christelle Housset (Public prosecutor)

The magistrate regrets that “her extraordinary intelligence was not put at the service of a just cause”.

Christelle Housset also qualifies the other defendants, prosecuted for complicity, as “victims, as he knew how to manipulate them”. She regrets “that they did not ask more questions”.

Among them, his partner was sentenced to two years in prison, one of which was fixed; a woman, presented as his mistress, to 18 months suspended sentence; his sister, to a one-year suspended prison sentence; and his brother, to one year in prison.
One of his friends is released, the other, Mickaël Perez, recognized as his right arm, is sentenced to four years in prison, three of which is closed. As for Achref Sayhi, he is sentenced to eight years in prison, five of which is closed.

A man tried for fraud from his cell in Châteaudun prison

Jacques Jouannopoulos

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