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EIB guarantees Deutsche Bank with half a billion

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Wind power is to be significantly expanded in Europe. The EU development bank is now guaranteeing 500 million euros for loans from Deutsche Bank. This sum is the start of a huge billion-dollar project.

A windfall for Deutsche Bank – The EU development bank EIB is supporting a wind power project with 500 million euros. (Image: iStockphoto.comyul38885 yul38885)

Foto: yul38885 yul38885

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Billion-dollar wind power subsidy plan

The transaction is the first project under the EIB’s wind power support plan, which was approved in December. Deutsche Bank will use it to provide bank guarantees for wind energy manufacturers. This will enable manufacturers to receive advance payments and provide performance guarantees: “Manufacturers will thus be able to pay their suppliers in advance, for example for components such as turbines, grid connection infrastructure, cables and voltage converters,” it said. In total, the EIB plans to provide five billion euros to commercial banks so that they can issue bank guarantees to companies in the European wind industry.

The initiative is part of the EU wind power package presented by the European Commission last year. The Brussels authority presented various measures to promote the expansion of wind power. The EIB is the EU institution for long-term financing. The owners are the member states. The bank is intended to finance investments that contribute to achieving the EU’s political goals.

Most recently, the EIB has been particularly active as a financier for climate protection and for supporting Ukraine, but is also supporting, for example, the expansion of the 5G infrastructure in Sweden. In Germany, it recently provided a credit line of one billion euros to finance 90 new S-Bahn trains in the Rhineland.

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EIB: The EU’s climate bank

The EIB was founded in 1958 and developed into the largest cross-border development bank in the world. It promotes investments in the EU Member States (and to a small extent in chosen partner countries) through loans and guarantees on favorable terms. A large part of the funding amounts Project loans with a minimum requirement of EUR 25 million out of, other channels are Loan guarantees, venture capital for SMEs and selected fund investments.

In recent Time focuses on the EIB to promote climate protection projects and describes itself even on its own website as the “EU Climate Bank”. In 2007, the EIB was the first financial institution in the world to issue green bonds. Within the last year stThe investments of the EU development bank in Climate protection and ecological sustainability by 29 percent to 49 billion euros – a share of 55 percent of all new business. According to the company, green investments worth 349 billion euros have been initiated since 2021 and are expected to reach one trillion euros by 2030.

The EIB’s balance sheet total is 547 billion euros with equity of 80.7 billion. In 2023, the bank generated a profit of almost 2.3 billion euros. The capital subscribed from the budgets of the EU member states amounts to 248.8 billion euros, with financing nowadays mainly taking place on the bond market.

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