When the health crisis accelerates digital inclusion… 30% of residents of the Girondines nursing home in Gerland are blind or partially sighted
The Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France has just handed over two iPads for the blind in this establishment.
Objective: to allow residents to keep in touch with their loved ones and to access culture.
We met Pierre Agullo, president of the association that manages this Ehpad, and Yves, a resident who has lost his sight in recent years due to glaucoma.
The Federation of the Blind and Visually Handicapped in France was created in 1917. Its governing bodies have the particularity of being mainly composed of blind and visually impaired members.
In 2021, for the first time, a woman, a burgienne, took over the presidency of the Federation. One of his battles: access to the book.
We met Anne Renoud. during this delivery of two iPads for the blind, residents of the Girondines.