The Egyptian singer did not publish the video of the plastic surgery through his accounts on social media, while the doctor published the video clip through his account on “Instagram”, and he also published it via “Tik Tok”.
An unconventional step taken by the Egyptian singer Ramy Sabry, when he underwent plastic surgery at the hands of the Lebanese doctor Nader Saab, in order to beautify the face. To the tune of one of Ramy Sabry’s songs.
After that, the doctor began to outline the lines of the Egyptian singer’s face, and the places that will be subjected to injections, in order to show them to Ramy Sabry and inform him of what will happen.
Rami Sabry, who waved to the camera during filming, was listening to the doctor in order to know the effect of the injection that would take place, and indeed the Lebanese doctor began injecting the face.
After that, Rami Sabry saw the results of the plastic surgery that he performed, as he was happy with it, and he appeared dancing with the doctor after completing the injection process.
However, the Egyptian singer did not publish the video of the plastic surgery through his accounts on the social media, while the doctor published the video clip through his account on “Instagram”, and he also published it on “Tik Tok”.
The doctor expressed his happiness at hosting the Egyptian singer in his clinic, and asked his followers to see how the facial injection process with Ramy Sabry ended, so that they could see the result for themselves.