Home » News » Egyptian Parliament Member Calls for Abolishing Faculty of Arts in Favor of Job-Oriented Education, Raises Concerns about Students’ Futures

Egyptian Parliament Member Calls for Abolishing Faculty of Arts in Favor of Job-Oriented Education, Raises Concerns about Students’ Futures

After statements by the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Member of Parliament Abdel Moneim Imam requested that the Faculty of Arts be abolished and the Faculties of Education, Law, and Trade “to fit the labor market. “

And it was Sisi He called for a focus on teaching children programming instead of entering colleges such as arts, commerce and law, and said that “programmers can earn up to 100 thousand dollars a month.”

But the representative’s requests raise questions about how his proposal will be implemented, and what happened to the thousands of students whose colleges will be canceled or combined with others.

Imam said that this proposal is “related to all theoretical colleges, such as law, commerce, arts, and commerce, and the quality of the curriculum in them, and changing departments to others that are relevant to the labor market , with some colleges coming together. .”

college of Literature

Imam told the website “Sky News Arabia” that he wants the College of Arts to be combined with the College of Education to become the College of Humanities, for example, indicating that colleges or -dependent at some departments in the College of Arts. on their own, such as the Department of Archaeology, where there is an independent College of Archaeology, and the Department of Media, which exists for a college for the media in Egypt, and each department must be replaced by another. colleges.

Imam explained, “The goal is not to cancel Human studiesIt is not possible to raise people without theoretical faculties that focus on thinking, spirit, and human history, and there is no reasonable person who talks about that, but development and integration. “

Faculty of Education

Regarding the educational colleges, the representative of Egypt believes that there are departments such as philosophy, psychology, and kindergarten that can be combined in one college, and the question of education and qualification for teaching through a professional diploma two years later, that is known in the world in different forms and names.

Imam emphasized that “the one responsible for implementing this matter is the Supreme Council of Universities, which must develop a vision for how to develop universities in EgyptHe pointed out that many Arab countries do college reviews every decade or so, canceling departments and merging colleges so that they can improve, and this is something that is known to international and in the Arab world and is not new.

What happened to the students

Abdel Moneim believed that “this matter serves and develops students and graduates, and leads them to keep up with the labor market instead of… The unemploymentWe have been suffering from these conditions for several years recently,” he said, pointing out that “there are departments from which graduation is no longer required, and their graduates go to jobs completely outside their field of study.”

Regarding the fate of the students, a member of the Egyptian People’s Assembly said that the idea of ​​changing the name of the college or reuniting the colleges does not change the fate of the students, but that it “a ‘give a signal that we need to come together and restructure in a way that makes our colleges and curricula more interactive.”

2024-04-30 10:28:11
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