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Egyptian Market Reacts to Decline of Dollar in the Black Market, Impact on Public and Private Companies

Written by Abdel Halim Salem Thursday, February 8, 2024 01:00 AM Economic sources and sources in the public business sector revealed that the continued decline Dollar In the black market, it reflects positively on public business sector companies, and in fact, not only on public business sector companies, but on all companies operating in the Egyptian market, both public and private, that need a dollar to buy raw materials, or purchase some needs from abroad, and thus their need for… Hard currency.

Abdel Rahman Abdel Ghani, Secretary General of the Syndicate of Engineering, Metallurgical and Electrical Industries, indicated that some companies were resorting to purchasing their needs from some agents inside the country, and thus prices were almost doubled because some agents were evaluating the prices of imported goods according to the price of the dollar on the black market, and not According to the dollar rate in the official market.

Abdul Rahman Abdul Ghani added that since the dollar’s ​​losses in the market continue and it has lost about 25 pounds of its value on the black market, as announced recently, this will reflect positively on the decline in the prices of these raw materials during the coming period for all public and private companies, and thus the cost of climates will decrease and their prices will decrease. .

He added that sometimes and in some urgent circumstances, companies were forced to obtain dollars from the black market to meet their urgent needs, and this contributes to doubling the value of services and thus doubling prices and placing burdens on companies, explaining that these burdens are naturally transferred to consumers who are suffering. From rising prices.

The Secretary General of the Syndicate of Engineering, Metallurgical and Electrical Industries praised the readiness of the Central Bank to meet the banks’ needs and provide customers’ requests for hard currency to buy raw materials or some products from abroad. This greatly reduces the demand for buying dollars from the black market, in addition to tightening control measures on this illegal market to restore… Discipline to prices again.

2024-02-07 23:00:00
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