Egyptian artist Hany Shaker
Social networking sites in the Arab world were buzzing with the news of the fraud that Egyptian artist Hani Shaker was subjected to in Bahrain.
And the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority issued a statement confirming the opening of investigations “into the merits of the monument” against Shaker, by the contractor of his last concert in the country, and the authority also affirmed “its keenness to implement the regulations and laws, with regard to organizing various tourism events, to preserve the rights of all parties.” .
The authority stated that it began its investigations urgently, as soon as Shaker’s announcement of his exposure to fraud was circulated through a video on social media platforms, noting that the investigations include the organizing party and the host party for the party’s activities.
Case details
The story began when the artist, Hani Shaker, agreed with an Egyptian person to perform a concert in a major hotel in Bahrain, on the “fourth day” of Eid al-Fitr, provided that Shaker would accompany his band.
Hani Shaker agreed to the ceremony, and received a small part of his wages, provided that he receives the rest of his financial dues on the day of the ceremony and before going on stage.
Hani Shaker went on time and met the party’s contractor, a day before the party’s date, and things were fine, but the surprise was that the contractor disappeared hours before the ceremony, and Shaker did not give the rest of his dues, only to find himself in a major crisis.
Hani Shaker tried to communicate with one of the people who were accompanying the contractor, but he did not reach a quick solution.
Shaker was forced to revive the concert without getting the rest of his wages, in appreciation of the audience who came hours before the concert.
Hani Shaker
In press statements, the Egyptian artist, Hani Shaker, said: “I did not think for a moment about canceling the concert. I came to Bahrain in order to make my Arab audience happy, and all those present did everything in their power to support me in my crisis, as the concert contractor fled in the Bahraini capital, Manama, hours ago.” From reviving the concert, without paying me and my band the rest of our financial dues.
While on the stage, Hani Shaker said to the audience: “I love you very much, and I respect your presence very much, despite the strange circumstances that my band and my band were exposed to at this concert, and the contractor’s escape and his lack of commitment to paying my wages and the band’s wages, but my presence with you is sweeter than a million times the wages.”
And a video clip spread on social media, in which Hani Shaker narrates that he was swindled by the concert contractor and escaped before paying his wages and the orchestra’s wages.
And the Kuwaiti media, Fajr Al-Saeed, had submitted a report to the Bahraini Ministry of Interior through its official platforms in order to recover the money of the audience present at the ceremony, and to pay the dues of the artist Hani Shaker and his band, saying: “Gentlemen of the Bahraini Ministry of Interior, Professor Hani Shaker, of the beauty of his morals, went down to sing to people without receiving his wages.” Nor is the reward for the musicians. The great one is great, Professor, because he is an artist from a beautiful time, and although he did not receive his right, he refused to embarrass the people who steadfastly hoped to see him and went down to sing for the people. Her wonderful thought of Hani Shaker.
And Fajr Al-Saeed published a passport photo of the performer of the artist Hani Shaker’s concert in Bahrain, through her pages on social networking sites.
social media sites
And the solidarity of the pioneers of social networking sites with the Egyptian artist Hani Shaker.
Abdullah Moqbel said: “A position that counts for him, despite the contractor’s claiming his right from the hotel. He escapes with the wages of the artist Hani Shaker and his band. If it were someone else, he refused to sing and returned without regret or respect for the audience.”
Tweeters described what happened, saying: “The perpetrator of this crime offends Bahrain in general, and the tourism sector in particular, and gives a negative impression and lack of confidence in some workers in the technical field.”
Bahraini activists called on the Tourism Authority to play a “vital” role in ensuring the rights of parties participating in artistic concerts on events held in the country.
Dispute settlement
For its part, the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority said: “The settlement of the dispute regarding an artistic concert has ended due to the existence of guarantees. Its investigation in this regard and its initiative to settle the dispute between the management of the artist’s business and the contractor for the party that was licensed according to the laws and regulations.
In this context, she affirmed, “The laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain guarantee the rights of all parties with the guarantees they provide, referring in this context to the settlement of the dispute over the remaining dues of the concert and the misunderstanding in addressing the issue in a timely manner between the party’s contractor and the artist’s management.” The keenness of all parties to the issue to abide by the regulating laws and the legal and administrative guarantees they constitute that characterize the legal and administrative system in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
According to the authority, “the artist, Hani Shaker, expressed his appreciation to the Bahraini and Gulf audiences who incurred the hardship of attending the concert. He expressed his appreciation for the role of the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority in resolving the dispute, looking forward to greater cooperation during the coming period in light of the tourism momentum that characterizes the Kingdom of Bahrain, which will be among the His next plan, which includes meeting his fans in Jerash in Jordan and Carthage in Tunisia, and his subsequent tours in the United States of America and Canada, which are being prepared for. Circulation of information and news that is published and circulated in a way that offends its owners.
Music Professions Union
The Syndicate of Musical Professions revealed that the crisis of the artist, Hani Shaker, had ended after he was subjected to fraud due to performing a concert in Bahrain.
Dr. Muhammad Abdullah, the official spokesman for the Syndicate of Musical Professions, said that the contractor was investigated through the Bahraini Ministry of Tourism, and Hani Shaker refused to detain the contractor, and contented himself with issuing a receipt for the remaining amount to pay the dues that he tried to escape from paying.
Mohammed Abdullah added, “The artist, Hani Shaker, thanked the Bahraini Ministry of Tourism for its swift action, indicating that he decided to return with his orchestra from the Kingdom of Bahrain to the homeland.”
The official spokesman for the Syndicate of Musical Professions revealed that the artist Hani Shaker and the concert contractor agreed to pay the amount due on May 15th.