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Egypt, Al-Sisi’s plan to crush the enemies: youth, Muslim Brotherhood and progressives. Hanged and imprisoned for life

Not even one should remain. The objective of the regime of the Cairo in these eight years of old-fashioned dictatorship it has been eliminate the dissent indoor to keep order and make a good impression with the major international powers e regional, starting from Israel. From 2013 to today the president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and its closest collaborators they applied a carefully thought out plan that allowed them to get one anesthetization of hostile thinking, crushing the alleged enemies of the state. They did it by following a strategy two-speed daughter of what happened in January 2011, the watershed date of contemporary history Country of the Pharaohs: hit the radicalism Islamic with a vast purge made of judgments of life imprisonment ed executions summary; annihilate the progressive opposition defusing the most hostile voices, launching a massive campaign of arrests for crimes of opinion and applying the system of preventive detention made up of mock trials and detentions postponed for years. Physically delete the members of Muslim Brothers and wear out, wear out the democratic soul. What is happening today, these days, is exactly the result of that diabolical plan.

Since the beginning of 2021 the regime he executed 51 people, after the more than 100 death sentences in 2020, and on the waiting list there are dozens of inmates; for 90% it is members, sympathizers, or presumed, of the Brotherhood Muslim. Afterward, he locked up in his own prisons, throwing away the key, the best Egyptian youth: students, artists, bloggers, lawyers, professionals, doctors. Patrick Zaki is one of them and like him Ahmed Samir Santawi, Alaa Abdel Fattah and his sister Sana Seif, Ahmed Douma, Esraa Abdel Fattah, Hisham Fouad, Maynour al-Masry, Mohamed al-Baqr up to Ziad al-Alimi and Ramy Shaat and hundreds of other people. The emblem of a justice absurd and targeted are right Patrick Zaki e Ahmed Samir Santawi: 30-year-olds, university students a Bologna e Vienna, arrested on their return home for a vacation due to some posts on Facebook from their respective countries of adoption. Zaki approaches a year and a half of detention without trial, Santawi, sentenced instead to 4 years for terrorism, entered the third week of strike of hunger. In Egypt those who do not risk convictions of any kind are families close to the regime, the wealthy class of society, entrepreneurs, military, politicians, complete with offspring. Proof of this is the fate of process for mass rape within the Fairmont Hotel on the long side Nile against a young woman. Despite the testimonials and the evidence gathered, the trial against the defendants, wealthy young people and children ofEgypt ‘well’, it ended in thin air and everyone was released. In the end, those who paid the heaviest price were the witnesses same as that dramatic episode.

The ‘square’ in the days of end of January ten years ago overthrew consolidated power in over half a century, from Nasser a Mubarak, releasing the thought alternative. In that ‘agora’ he was asking for freedom e rights there were not only the followers of the historical secular and progressive current of Egypt, of a virtuous left, the soul of the great Revolution of piazza Tahrir; under trace, but not too much, was also the radicalism of the gods Muslim Brothers which, in fact, the following year won the first ‘free’ post elections Mubarak. Grant the country to Brotherhood aroused the lively concerns ofWest, committed to preventing Egypt from ending theIraq, of the Syria and of Libya; so, in the course of a year, at the very beginning of the summer of 2013, the then Minister of Defense, the general al-Sisi, led a coup against the president’s government Mohamed Morsi, overthrowing it and putting himself in command of the country. In these days eight years ago, the regime of ‘restoration’ was born, this time able to avoid the errors committed by Hosni Mubarak.

The real watershed of the regime’s strategy are the bloody facts linked to the protests organized by the Brothers Muslims al Cairo in mid-August 2013. On the 14th, in particular, the military and police intervened in the squares Raba’a and Nahda causing a bloodbath. About a thousand people died and the same number ended up in prison, among them the former president and leader of the Brotherhood, Mohamed Morsi, and the leaders of the radical political and religious movement. Today, July 2021, the regime is executing pieces of the political movement in relation to those facts. In June they were hanged 21 people, all belonging to Muslim Brothers; 9 at the beginning and 12 at the end of the month. Despite the protests and the stances of organizations for the protection of human rights, from Amnesty International at all ong Egyptian always on the front line against the regime of Cairo, on the waiting list for the gallows there are dozens and dozens of death row inmates.

Among the prominent personalities now close to being executed is the imam Safwat Hegazy, an anti-Zionist preacher banned from the UK for ‘fomenting hatred’. Hegazy it was part of the 2011 revolt, although from a different side than the progressive soul that animated the square Tahrir. Waiting for a update, on 4 July the regime executed three people for an attack that took place in Alexandria of Egypt in 2018 where a former security chief of the northern governorate was killed, Mustafa al-Namr, and two escort officers. One of the three hanged, Moataz Mostafa Hassan, he was 25 years old, he was an engineering student and according to human rights organizations it was a huge issue and a very serious injustice: “The young man was forced to confess a crime he never committed – it is the hard thrust of Ahmed Attar, director of Enhr, an NGO in Cairo -. To extort that confession there National Security arrested the mother and sister of Moataz, the two women were tortured and threatened with violence and death, leading the young man to attribute a non-existent crime to himself. He had nothing to do with that attack ”.

The death sentence for the 25-year-old came on June 14, 2020 after being linked to one terrorist cell affiliated with Brotherhood. Con i leader historians deaths in cells between 2019 and 2020, first Mohamed Morsi (actually had a heart attack during a court hearing) and then Essam al-Erian, and other prominent figures in prison or already buried, i Muslim Brothers in Egypt they have been practically annihilated. The representation who fled to remains very active and organized Turkey, until now indirectly ‘protected’ byakp, the president’s party Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The dialogue and a new sympathy between the two dictators of the Middle East area, however, risk also endangering that ‘cell’. Impunity is no longer guaranteed, the geopolitical, military and economic agreements between Erdogan e al-Sisi, never been so close to tighten agreements lasting. It is no coincidence that recently some opponents of the Cairo have been rejected upon arrival at the airport a Istanbul e Ankara. Finally, one last detail. In Egyptian prisons, Tora in Cairo above all, people also die from negligence. A little while ago came the news of the death of a 63-year-old teacher suffering from liver cancer, who was also accused of terrorism for the events Raba’a. Despite his painting clinical irreversible the prison authorities they did not grant him the transfer to the hospital to receive the medical care.

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