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Egweil: Investing is possible without loans – Egweiler municipal council passes the budget

With the addition of the nursery, the parking lot at the kindergarten is to be expanded and a path to it built. The measure is listed in the budget and is subsidized by the village renewal with 59 percent, just like the planting and preparation of the square.



The total budget amounts to 3,719,000 euros and is divided into 2,158,000 euros administrative budget and 1,561,000 euros asset budget.

The school association levy for Eichstätt-Schottenau is 26,000 euros for eleven students. In Nassenfels there are currently 54 students attending the facility. For this you have to pay 101,300 euros. For the kindergarten and other daycare facilities, 425,400 euros were estimated. Of this, 370,000 euros are allocated to operating costs subsidies. Overall, a deficit of 30,000 euros is planned. For a land purchase for a new building area, 550,000 euros are estimated.

When purchasing movable property from the building yard, 122,000 euros are earmarked for the repayment of loans and 384,000 euros. A vehicle procurement for the fire brigade costs 70,000. For the purchase of play equipment for the community playgrounds are 61,000 euros. 35,000 euros were made available for the roof renovation of the sports home. General civil engineering measures require 85,000 euros and the inliner method for the sewer network 50,000 euros.

The reserves amount to 1,362,841 euros. The debt of the municipality is 466 666 euros. This results in a debt level per inhabitant of 388 euros. The national average is 620 euros.
The volume of the administrative budget drops by 53,200 euros compared to the previous year. The corona-related reductions in the income tax share with a minus of 79,500 euros and trade tax losses of minus 70,000 euros can only be absorbed to a limited extent by the key allocation of a plus of 36,700 euros. As a result, a lower allocation to the asset budget is expected.
The asset budget fell by EUR 1,039,800 compared to the previous year, as planned measures have been postponed. Due to the high reserves, no loan needs to be taken out for investments. The budget was passed unanimously.
The rates of assessment for property tax A, B and trade tax remain unchanged. Interested citizens can view the entire budget at the known times in the financial administration of VG Nassenfels. An appointment is required for this. The financial planning for the years 2019 to 2023 was also approved without dissenting votes.
“The new community app is developing extremely positively,” said Mayor Johannes Schneider on the next item on the agenda. It has already been downloaded 639 times from a total of 1226 inhabitants. That corresponds to around 52 percent. If you include a group of people who do not use a cell phone, the positive result is even clearer.
A reimbursement for senior citizens’ afternoons was unanimously changed. So far, the district of Eichstätt has earmarked these events with two euros per person. In Egweil this concerns the senior carnival and senior afternoon of the parish council with people from the age of 65. In the future, the community will contribute the same amount as further funding.
Citizens’ meetings are required by the municipal ordinance. In the current Corona situation, this is difficult. “Registrations, admission controls and no serving of drinks would be basic requirements,” said Schneider. In addition, two appointments are necessary. “According to the legal supervision in the district office, they are possible, but a rejection would be justified in the current situation,” said Schneider. The committee decided unanimously to cancel a face-to-face event and to publish the contributions and data digitally on the community’s website. Questions about this can be asked at any time during the mayor’s office hour or in writing to the municipality. However, applications and suggestions will only be dealt with in the first meetings of the new year.
According to Schneider, it is not so easy to “plant” the playground at the sports field in some cases. Not every plant is allowed, and there is urgent need to take care of non-toxic plants. There are still many details to clarify.

Overhanging hedges are a reason to step in again and again. The permissible height is two meters and the hedges must not extend into the traffic area. This also includes the sidewalk. Affected property owners will be contacted by the administration. EK

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