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Eggs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What You Need to Know

06:53 PM

Monday, April 15, 2024

Books – Saber Najah:

Eggs are one of the foods that are beneficial to human health, because they contain many nutrients that the body needs during the day.

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However, some people with irritable bowel syndrome wonder about the possibility of including eggs in their daily diet, fearing that it could have a negative effect on their health.

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Are eggs safe for patients with irritable bowel syndrome?

In this regard, Dr. Bahaa Naji, a therapeutic nutrition consultant, suggested that patients with irritable bowel syndrome stay completely away from eggs or reduce their intake, because it causes some of their digestive problems.

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Naji said that eggs cause irritation of irritable bowel syndrome for two reasons:

1- Egg yolks contain a high amount of fat, which is difficult for the stomach and intestines of a patient with irritable bowel syndrome to digest and absorb easily.

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2- The effect of eggs on irritable bowel syndrome becomes more severe if the patient suffers from an allergy to the protein found in eggs.

For more information on egg allergy, click here.

The therapeutic nutrition consultant explained that eggs make irritable bowel syndrome patients feel discomfort in the digestive system, especially when they eat too much or eat fried, because it causing constipation, flatulence, indigestion, and stomach cramps.

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Naji concluded his speech by appealing to patients with irritable bowel syndrome who want to eat eggs for breakfast to eat only one egg, and it must be boiled, to preserve the health of the digestive system.

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2024-04-15 16:53:45

#Eggs #patients #irritable #bowel #syndrome #allowed #forbidden

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