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Efremov’s lawyer revealed a “trump card” in the case of an accident with an actor

A loud statement was made at a regular court session

There is a secret witness who is able to prove the innocence of Mikhail Efremov in the fatal accident on the Garden Ring. According to the actor’s lawyer Elman Pashayev, this person is not in Moscow. About it reports website KP.RU.

A resonant statement was made at a regular session in the Presnensky court of the capital. Pashayev noted that the defense side has a secret witness who can shed light on the events of June 8, when there was a fatal road accident involving Mikhail Efremov. The lawyer stated that this person was not in Moscow, therefore he asked the court to postpone the next session for a day for a witness to appear.

The statement of the lawyer Efremov was protested by the representative of the relatives of the deceased in the accident, Anna Butyrina. She recalled that the defense of the artist from the very beginning declared as his witness only the actor’s wife, Sofya Kruglikova, who lives in Moscow. As a result, Pashayev’s petition was rejected by the judge.

Read also: Victims were defamed in the trial of Efremov

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