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Efremov sentenced to eight years in prison – Incidents

MOSCOW, September 8. / TASS /. Moscow’s Presnensky Court sentenced actor Mikhail Efremov to eight years in prison for the death of a person in an accident. As a TASS correspondent reports, the actor was taken into custody in the courtroom.

“To take Efremov into custody in the courtroom. To impose a sentence of eight years in a general regime colony,” the judge announced the verdict.

The court considered that Efremov’s correction was impossible without isolation from society. He also deprived the actor of his driver’s license for a period of three years and recovered from him 800 thousand rubles in favor of the eldest son who died in an accident.

Efremov met the sentencing without emotion. He held out his hands to the convoy, who handcuffed them.

As noted, the court, when sentencing, took into account his admission of guilt and positive characteristics. “The court takes into account the admission of guilt by Efremov at the stage of preliminary investigation and in the last word, the presence of children, positive personality characteristics and engaging in charity work,” the verdict says.

The court in the verdict reduced the term of serving the sentence by 1.5 months, spent by the accused under house arrest. “Set off to Efremova the time served under house arrest at the rate of two days for one,” Judge Elena Abramova announced the sentence.

Efremov spent three months under house arrest.

The state prosecution asked the actor for 11 years in prison. Efremov himself believed that the court would appoint him eight years. The victims and their defense stated that they would support the court’s verdict and would not appeal against it.

Announcement of the verdict

The court convicted the artist. “Efremov, driving a vehicle, being intoxicated, drove into the oncoming lane, which led to the death of a person,” the judge announced the verdict.

Judge Elena Abramova noted in the verdict that Efremov had violated a significant list of traffic rules, as a result of which he lost control of the car, drove into the oncoming lane and became the culprit in the collision.

The court concluded that the traffic situation did not impede safe traffic. According to the verdict, Efremov violated the traffic rules due to alcohol intoxication and made no attempts to avoid violations and collisions with an oncoming vehicle. “Efremov was in a state of intoxication, which is confirmed by the data of the examination and the testimony of witnesses,” the court noted.

In the verdict, the court called the conclusions of the biological examination that it was Yefremov who was driving the car reliable and categorical. “Analyzing the expert opinions, the court comes to the conclusion that they were carried out in accordance with the law, are not contradictory, consistent with other evidence,” the judge said.

The court also found that Sergei Zakharov, who died in the accident, did not break the rules, moved without changing direction and without exceeding the speed. The court placed Zakharov’s death in direct proportion to the collision with Efremov’s car.

The court did not accept the testimony of the accused as reliable, at the same time the evidence of the prosecution was found to be consistent and logical. “The court finds no reason to recognize as reliable the testimony of Efremov, who at the stage of the judicial investigation stated that he did not remember his participation in the road accident and questioned it. At the same time, the evidence presented to the court by the prosecution, the court finds logical and consistent,” announced the judge.

The court made sure that Efremov was in the driver’s seat and did not find grounds to conclude that there was another person in the car. Also, the court found no reason to trust the testimony of a number of witnesses for the defense, who argued that there could be another person in Yefremov’s car. In the verdict, the court found the testimony of the prosecution witnesses to be logical and consistent, consistent with the conclusions of the examinations and video surveillance data. “The evidence of the prosecution is recognized as admissible and attributable,” the court decided.

“The testimony of the defense witnesses that Efremov was not driving the car and that there were any other persons in it did not find their objective confirmation and contradict the objective data and the testimony of witnesses consistent with them. Thus, in the court session it was established that Efremov was driving, “the judge read out the verdict.

About investigation

The court concluded that the investigation was carried out in accordance with the law and allowed the collection of comprehensive evidence. “The investigation of the case was carried out in accordance with the law. A complete list of necessary examinations was carried out, testimonies of witnesses were collected, objective data from video surveillance were obtained,” Judge Elena Abramova announced in the verdict.

The judge also retells successively the testimony of Efremov, which he changed three times, and reads out the testimony of witnesses.

As the TASS correspondent reports, the actor listened to the verdict without moving, leaning his fists on the table, where a folder with papers lies in front of him. A blue medical mask is pulled over Efremov’s face, his eyes were closed. His wife is also in the hall.

In the meantime, the actor’s assistant lawyer arrived at Efremov’s house, who went up to the artist’s apartment and went down with his things. Efremov himself came to the verdict without his belongings, with only one folder. There was one paddy wagon near the Presnensky court, a TASS correspondent reports.

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