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Effects of migration differ by gender and age – PublicoGT

Omar Marroquin Pacheco

Migration, as a global phenomenon, exhibits complex patterns that vary according to contexts.
socio-economic, cultural and political. Migration is one of the most repetitive patterns
varies by gender and age.
Why do more men migrate than women and young people?
● Employment opportunities: Historically, men have had more
job opportunities abroad, especially in manual jobs or in
regions where greater geographic mobility is required.
● Family responsibilities: Women usually have more responsibilities
family members, such as caring for children or the elderly, who prevent the move.
● Social networks: Migrant social networks are usually composed
largely by men, enabling the migration of more men.
● Finding opportunities: Young people, looking for better opportunities
education and labor, more likely to migrate.
Changes in the age structure of the population
● Country of origin:
○ An aging population: The departure of young people to other countries accelerates the
the age of the remaining population.
○ Decreasing the base of the population pyramid: The number of
people of reproductive age, which in the long run may lead to a
population decline.
○ “Brain drain”: Migration of highly qualified people can
generate loss of human capital and affect the economic development of the country.
● Country of destination:
○ Population youth: The arrival of young migrants increases the
a proportion of the population of working age, which could have a positive effect on it
the economy.
○ Increase in cultural diversity: The arrival of migrants from different
cultural origins enrich a destination society.
○ Pressure on public services: Massive increase in population
It can generate more demand for services such as education, health and housing.

Changes in fertility rate
● Country of origin:
○ Reduction in the fertility rate: The departure of young people of reproductive age and
changes in social norms related to migration can reduce the
fertility rate.
● Country of destination:
○ Increased fertility rate in some cases: In some contexts,
Migration can increase the fertility rate due to factors such as
family reunification or changes in cultural norms.

Additional consequences
● Remittances: The remittance of remittances by migrants can have consequences
important in the economy of the countries of origin, reducing poverty and finances
● Social and cultural transformation: Migration can generate profound changes in
social and cultural structures of both countries of origin and destination.
● Integration challenges: Migrants can face challenges integrating
destination societies, such as discrimination, access to employment and housing.
In summary
Gender and age-differentiated migration has a significant impact on the structures
the population and social conditions of the countries of origin and destination. Changes in structure
Age, fertility rate and cultural composition are some of the most important outcomes.
important of this phenomenon.

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