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Effectiveness of E-Mobility Control Campaign in Düsseldorf

According to the city, a total of around 1,900 checkpoints were checked, with between two and four charging points available at the charging stations that were set up. According to the city, the controls are “an essential step in the continuation and implementation of the e-mobility project.” The aim of charging stations in public spaces is to enable electric vehicle users who do not have charging options at home or at work to charge their vehicles. And that only works if the charging stations are free.

From mid-September to the end of October, traffic monitoring focused its inspections on the charging stations. In the last week of the campaign alone, 650 checks were carried out at charging stations, in which 157 administrative offense proceedings were initiated. However, the city also notes that traffic monitoring has repeatedly determined that the specially designated areas are not being used properly by vehicles with combustion engines, “but also by vehicles with ‘E’ in their license plate.”

“The results of this priority action show that breaches continue to occur, but not to the extent that is often assumed. This is an encouraging sign for efforts to promote e-mobility and ensure the smooth operation of the charging infrastructure in the city,” the statement said.

There are still different types of signage for charging stations in Düsseldorf. The “traffic sign 314” (i.e. a blue P) is installed at most parking spaces and parking there is only permitted for electric vehicles while charging – for one hour on DC chargers and four hours on AC chargers. At some charging stations there is still an “absolute no-parking policy” where, as an exception, parking is permitted while charging. “In both cases, parking is generally only permitted for charging,” says the city.

The public order office appeals to all vehicle drivers to only use the e-charging stations in accordance with the regulations. Even after the focus campaign ends, the employees will continue to keep an eye on the charging stations: “The control pressure will continue to be maintained.”


2023-11-09 14:04:25
#warnings #priority #checks #Düsseldorf #charging #stations #electrive.net

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