Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to take full advantage of food. This is because the body lacks the hormone called “insulin” or the body does not respond well to insulin in diabetic patients, whether it is because the body does not produce insulin, the body does not produce enough insulin, or insulin cannot act fully when there is a lack of insulin. Blood glucose will increase. due to entering the cell The body cannot and the liver will release glucose into the bloodstream. More than usual as well
Normally in our bloodstream There will always be sugar. But it will be at a level suitable for use as energy. Normal sugar levels are in the range of 70 – 100 milligrams per deciliter.
Self-care for people with diabetes
1. Avoid drinking alcohol. or alcoholic beverages
2. Control food and control weight
3. Exercise moderately and continuously.
4. Get enough sleep for 7-8 hours.
5. Take medicine regularly
6. Have candy with you.
7. Keep your feet clean regularly.
Principles for choosing food
1. Eat a variety of foods in the right amount.
2. Eat meals on time.
3. Choose to eat meat that is lean, skinless or has little fat, such as fish, chicken breast, beef or pork tenderloin, etc.
4. Choose fruits that are not too sweet, such as guava, apple, apple, orange, etc.
5. Avoid very sweet fruits such as durian Sapodilla, lychee, longan, pickled fruit, candied fruit, compote, etc.
6. Choose to use vegetable oil for cooking, such as rice bran oil, soybean oil. corn oil, etc.
7. Avoid foods that are very salty, such as salted fish, salted eggs, pickled foods, etc., or do not add additional flavor to the food with various seasonings, such as table salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, sauce, etc.
8. Avoid food and drinks that contain alcohol.
9. Avoid sweets. and foods that contain high sugar ingredients such as Thong Yib, Thong Yot, Foi Thong, Custard, Lod Chong, cakes, pies, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, soft drinks, green tea, instant coffee, Ovaltine, etc.
2023-12-22 11:59:00