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Effective Measures to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates in Europe

With the start of flu season, it’s vital that everyone starts planning protective measures for themselves and their loved ones. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), annual influenza vaccination is the most effective method of preventing seasonal influenza, but the vaccination coverage rate in Europe is still low compared to the 75% target set by the World Health Organization of Health (WHO).

Global healthcare company Viatris has announced that it has made its tetravalent flu vaccine, Influvac® Tetra, available to patients in Romania for the 2023-2024 flu season. This vaccine contains the influenza strains recommended by WHO for use in that season’s influenza vaccines. Influvac® Tetra is intended for the prophylaxis of influenza, with an emphasis on people at high risk of complications.

It can be given to adults, adolescents and children aged 6 months and above, and its use is allowed during pregnancy. The vaccine is available in regular pharmacies, requiring a prescription from your family doctor or other specialist.

A recent online survey by Viatris investigates motivations and barriers to influenza vaccination among vaccinated and unvaccinated people living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in countries including France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Portugal and the Czech Republic.

Overall, 61% of respondents expressed a positive attitude toward influenza vaccination, and this percentage increases to nearly 90% among NCD patients who have received influenza vaccination in the past two years. However, 42% of people who had never been vaccinated against the flu had no opinion on the subject.

Seasonal flu can affect up to 50 million people in Europe each year, according to the European Union. This condition poses serious health risks, especially for groups considered to be at high risk, such as pregnant women, children under 6, the elderly, people with NCDs, and healthcare workers. People around these groups can also spread the flu, underscoring the importance of getting a flu shot. Annual immunization, from children to adults, can help protect the community.

Family doctors, medical specialists and pharmacists play a key role in people’s decision to get the flu shot. According to the survey, the family doctor’s recommendation is a major factor in the decision to get vaccinated, being mentioned by 61% of vaccinated people with NTDs.

Globally, the main factors driving those with NTDs to get vaccinated were family doctor’s recommendation (61%), personal initiative (31%) and the desire to protect against influenza due to existing medical conditions (18 %). Vaccination was considered necessary to reduce the severity of influenza symptoms (80% globally).

However, there is a great need for information and education about the benefits of flu vaccination, especially among the unvaccinated. Research shows that a significant percentage of unvaccinated people have not sought or received information about vaccination. Thus, providing additional information on the benefits of influenza vaccination could play a crucial role in increasing vaccination rates among these individuals.

It can also be seen that the available information on the benefits of vaccination is less known among unvaccinated people. About 1 in 5 of these respondents say they know nothing about the benefits of vaccination. However, most respondents are interested in learning more.

Regarding the future, almost all vaccinated NTDs are open to receiving the flu vaccine in the future (92%). However, among people with non-vaccinated NCDs, vaccination intention drops significantly (33%). Those who have not been vaccinated in the past cite the belief that they are not susceptible to the flu (51%) and the perception that vaccines are ineffective (37%) as the main reasons for not vaccinating.

This document highlights the importance of influenza vaccination in preventing the spread of seasonal influenza and associated complications. It also emphasizes the need for continued information and education efforts about the benefits of influenza vaccination, especially among people who have not been vaccinated before.

Source: 360medical.ro

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2023-10-28 14:20:19
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