Home » Health » Effect of calcium carbonate and NPK fertilization on dry matter accumulation in Zapata variety barley in an acidic soil of La Libertad

Effect of calcium carbonate and NPK fertilization on dry matter accumulation in Zapata variety barley in an acidic soil of La Libertad


The experiment was set up on April 13, 2013 at the Soil Laboratory of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Trujillo using a randomized complete block design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement with 4 replications. The effect of calcium carbonate and NPK fertilization on dry matter accumulation, tiller number and plant height was evaluated in pots in a soil with a pH of 4.4 and 8.6 cmol(+).kg soil-1 of exchangeable acidity from the town of Alto Paraiso in the province of Santiago de Chuco at 3990 masl. The combination of two levels of CO3Ca (0 and 4 g.kg soil-1) and 3 levels of NPK fertilization in ppm (40-40-40; 80-80-80 and 120-120-120) was tested. Each experimental unit consisted of a pot with 2 kg of soil. It was found that CO3Ca and NPK fertilization independently increased the accumulation of dry matter in grains, foliage, grains + foliage and total dry matter; CO3Ca also increased the number of tillers per plant and the treatments under study did not affect the accumulation of root dry matter and plant height.
The experiment installed the April 13 the 2013 in Suelos´s Laboratorio of Ciencias Agropecuarias´s Faculty, located in Trujillo´s University Nacional, District Trujillo, and the Libertad region. Experimental design was applied in a randomized complete block with a factorial arrangement of 2 x 3 with 4 replications. The effect calcium carbonate and the fertilization NPK in the dry-matter accumulation in barley Var. Zapata in an ground, pH´s ground 4.4 and 8.6 cmol (+) kilograms ground-1 of changeable acidity precedent de the Alto Paraiso in the provinces of Chuco´s Santiago to 3990 msnm. He evaluated the combining two levels of calcium carbonate (0 soil 4g/kg) and 3 levels of NPK fertilizer (40-40-40, 80-80-80 and 120-120-120mg/kg. Each experimental unit consisted of a pot with two kg of soil, pH´s ground 4.4. He evaluated the dry-matter grains, foliage, aerial (grains+foliage), radicular, total, number of macollos and height from the beginning; the calcium carbonate also increases the number of tillers per plant and the study treatments do not affect root dry matter accumulation and plant height.

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