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Eel – A Traditional Dutch Delicacy: Super Healthy, Tasty, and Sustainable

Eel is one Traditional Dutch delicacy with a unique taste. The traditional smoking process gives a refined and characteristic taste. Eel with the ESF label can certainly be eaten responsibly. Smoked from the market, on a sandwich at the fish stall, or as a fillet on toast; eel is delicious and healthy!

Super healthy, tasty and a responsible choice

The nutrition center recommends eating fish at least once a week. Eel is one of the fattest fish species. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3) that are good for your heart, blood vessels, brain and skin. Oily fish reduces the risk of depression, according to research by Amsterdam UMC. Fish also contains a lot of proteins. And that is good for after exercise to allow your muscles to recover. Moreover, oily fish is the only food that naturally contains so much vitamin D. You need this to absorb calcium from food, to maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D helps maintain your resistance and the proper functioning of your muscles. Eel is not only super healthy, but also very tasty! Most eels in the Netherlands come from certified aquaculture companies, where they are raised in fully controlled conditions. Get it fish health in animal welfare special attention.

Go for sustainable eel

If you buy eel, pay attention to it blue ESF seal. You then contribute to it Eel Stewardship Fund. This guarantees that it comes from a reliable source and contributes to sustainability solutions for healthy eel stocks in the Netherlands. This way, eel remains a traditional Dutch delicacy, also for future generations.

2023-10-21 08:20:44
#extra #portion #omega #vitamin #eel

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