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Edy-Bobby Was Different from the Center, Now Medan is an Emergency PPKM Zone


The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi and the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, had conveyed different data regarding the spread of Corona or COVID-19 in Medan with the central government. After differences emerged, the central government designated Medan as a zone Emergency PPKM.

The condition of the spread of Corona in Medan was initially conveyed by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto in a virtual press conference on Wednesday (7/7/2021). He said active cases outside Java had increased by 34 percent with varying increases. The government then determined that 43 regencies/cities outside Java and Bali were subject to tightening of micro PPKM.

Of the 43 areas called Airlangga, two of them are in North Sumatra. The two areas are Medan and Sibolga. Then, Airlangga also presented data showing that 30 districts/cities in 16 provinces entered level 4 on July 1, then on July 5 it rose to 43 districts/cities in 20 provinces that entered level 4.

The government, he said, asked for regulations to tighten micro PPKM in these areas. This tightening applies to regencies/cities located in all regions, including level 4 to prevent an increase in Corona cases.

“All activities at level 4 are stopped,” said Airlangga.

The government requires companies to work from home 75 percent. Guests at the restaurant who arrive after 17.00 WIB are not allowed to eat on site. In addition, the implementation of worship activities at level 4 is temporarily suspended, for zones outside zone 4, we are asked to continue to implement the prokes according to the direction of the Ministry of Religion. Then for mall shopping centers, operating hours are limited to 17.00 with a maximum capacity of 25 percent.

Edy and Bobby version

Edy and Bobby conveyed different things regarding the Corona condition in Medan. Edy initially extended the micro PPKM rule. In this regulation, the implementation of worship at mosques in the areas of Medan City and Sibolga City, which is called the entry level 4 center, will be temporarily suspended.

View detik.com on Wednesday (7/7/2021), the regulation was stated in the Gubsu Instruction Number 188.54/26/INST/2021. The instruction was signed by Gubsu Edy Rahmayadi on July 5, 2021.

In this instruction, Medan City and Sibolga City are said to have entered level 4 according to the results of the assessment. There are special rules for these two areas.

Bobby then responded to the instructions. He said residents in Medan were still allowed to worship at mosques or other places of worship.

“We have conveyed that since yesterday the City of Medan we believe today, so far it is still safe for worship activities,” said Bobby at the Medan Mayor’s office, Wednesday (7/7).

He only asked that religious activities that gather large numbers of people not to be held in places of worship, including congregational Eid al-Adha prayers and others. Bobby also said that Medan City is the orange zone for the spread of Corona, different from data from the national COVID-19 Task Force which places Medan as a red zone as of June 20, 2021.

Edy then straightened out the rules in the Ingub that he signed. He said activities at places of worship were still allowed as long as they adhered to health protocols.

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