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Edwy Plenel in conference in Angoulême then Cognac

The founder of Mediapart comes to present his latest book “On the left of the impossible” and discuss current events.

The journalist and co-founder of Mediapart will be present for two moments of discussion in Angoulême then Cognac, first on Wednesday October 13 at 6 p.m. at Le Point Carré café. (1), then at the Cognac bookstore Le Texte Libre the next day at 6.30 p.m. (2).

These trips across France to present his latest book “On the left of the impossible” (Éditions La Découverte) are made each time in partnership with the network of independent bookstores.

In Angoulême, the conference around his book, which also echoes the political news of the beginning of this campaign, will be hosted by Patrick Amatucci, a member of L’Autre librairie, and CL editorialist Maurice Bontinck. In both cases, the meeting will be followed by exchanges with the public and an autograph session.

(1) Wednesday October 13 at 6 p.m., at 10 rue Raymond Poincaré in Angoulême, open to all but registration at 05 45 37 63 11 or at [email protected].
(2) Thursday October 14 at 6.30 p.m. at 17 rue Henri Fichon in Cognac, open to all but register at [email protected] or at

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