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Edwards’ response to Traferri’s lawyer | Letter p

The criminal lawyer and professor of Law at the National University of Rosario (UNR), Carlos Edwards, answered the lawyer Jose Luis Vazquez, who affirmed to Letter P in the note The devil of the lawyer that the teacher “received the salary of the faculty and did not go to work.”

In this sense, Edwards pointed out in the framework of the right to reply: “In relation to the mendacious statement of the lawyer José Luis Vázquez that the undersigned received his professor’s salary and was not going to work, at no time did the academic authority initiate to whom he subscribes any administrative action, or of any other nature, for that alleged breach or for any other, which clearly demonstrates the falsehood of what Vázquez affirmed and his sole defamatory purpose; on the contrary, it was the undersigned who requested the Dean of the Law School of the National University of Rosario to apply a disciplinary sanction to Vázquez for his libelous and slanderous statements. In addition, Vázquez’s undemocratic, vulgar and lacking legal style speech is totally reprehensible when he affirms that the current governor of Santa Fe “is not going to finish his term”, an assertion that is unacceptable for a lawyer and university professor, although i compatible with his past as a judicial official of a de facto government. “

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