Home » today » Business » Educational assistants from Puy-de-Dôme demand “the creation of a real civil servant status”

Educational assistants from Puy-de-Dôme demand “the creation of a real civil servant status”

At the call of the CGT Educ’action and FSU unions, education assistants from Puy-de-Dôme went on strike this Tuesday, March 30, and a rally took place early in the morning in front of the rectorate of Clermont , where a working group meeting on DEA contracts was held.

Education assistants on strike in Clermont-Ferrand on March 30

They demand “the creation of a real status of civil servant of the National Education for the AED” and continue to “fight for the tenures”. Supervisors are also asking that their contracts be three-year (not one-year) contracts and want renewals to be reviewed by a joint committee.

Laurence Couperier

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