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Education – young people doubt equal opportunities in education – education

Berlin (dpa) – According to a survey, the majority of young people do not believe in equal opportunities in education. Forsa has carried out this survey repeatedly. The current values ​​are the weakest since the first survey in 2015.

In a representative Forsa survey of adolescents and young adults between 14 and 21 years of age, 39 percent agreed with the statement that in Germany all children regardless of their social and cultural background have the same opportunities for a good education. 59 percent don’t see it that way.

The results will be discussed on Education Day on December 8th at a conference with the President of the Conference of Ministers of Education, the Brandenburg Education Minister Britta Ernst (SPD) and other education experts. The event is organized by the Stifterverband, among others.

The adolescents and young adults were also asked about an assessment of six specific influencing factors on equal opportunities. The quality of the school and the teachers landed at the top: 92 percent are of the opinion that these have a large or very large influence on whether a child receives a good education. This is followed by the care and support of the parents, the child’s own motivation, the child’s circle of friends, the parents ‘education and, finally, the parents’ cultural background.

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