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Education Workers in Department 93 Renew Strike Movement for Better Resources and Working Conditions

Monday, the start of the school year, the inter-union 93 (Sud Education, CGT, Snes-Fsu and CNT) called for a day of mobilization in the department’s establishments to defend an emergency plan for 93 and demand resources, decent hiring and working conditions. Faced with a mobilization which proved significant on Monday morning, with an average of 40% of strikers, the professors of the department decided at a general assembly to renew the movement. A dynamic followed by the Paul Éluard high school in Saint-Denis in which 32% of teachers went on strike on Monday. On Tuesday, more than 34% of the establishment’s staff were on strike, joined by almost the entire school life team and 100% of the AEDs (educational assistants).

Symptom of latent anger in the face of the government’s multiple offensives, but also more profoundly in the face of social and racist sorting at school, which has already increased with the reform of high school and vocational high school, and will further accelerate with the establishment of level groups at college, 100% of AEDs renewed the strike movement this Wednesday. The high school teachers will renew the movement and organize a festive strike picket in front of the establishment on Thursday at 4 p.m. in order to discuss the prospects of mobilizations with the students, but also with their parents, who have also been hit hard by the protests. budget cuts, security and racist attacks which, beyond schools, are realities that run through the whole of society.

A leaflet in several languages ​​was written for parents to explain the movement and call on them to mobilize against the destruction of public schools. Indeed, from the ban on the abaya to the establishment of the SNU, without forgetting uniforms and level groups in middle school, the project for the school of the Attal-Macron couple is particularly clear. A whole series of offensives that supervisory staff, particularly in school life, must apply to the letter, in a context of increasingly dramatic deterioration of buildings and our working conditions, which are fueling the significant mobilization of supervisory staff at Paul Éluard, but also in other establishments in 93.

In the department, the mobilization stands out due to its deeply political character. We thus see a strong rejection of the social sorting that the government wants to impose on young people, but also of the bringing our students into line through a multiplication of authoritarian offensives such as the introduction of uniforms in all educational establishments. by 2026, which would also cost more than 2 billion euros per year.

Following on from last February 1, the mobilization in 93 is indicative of the anger that has accumulated in the sector, but also of the brutality of the attacks that have been and are being made today against the public education service, rejected by the majority of staff. If the teachers of the department were able, in the past, to achieve victories and today show a strong combativeness in the mobilized establishments, a local mobilization limited to the 93 will not be enough. Faced with the scale and acceleration of counter-reforms in education, which impact staff, students and families at the national level. We will only be able to really push back the government through a national mobilization of education workers, but also of all sectors that the government and employers are suffocating with anti-social reforms. From the destruction of the public hospital, to the offensives against the status of civil servants, without forgetting the inflation which crushes millions of workers while allowing the employers to line their pockets, the offensives are global and articulated in a project led by the Macron/Attal government which is also global. Our angers are multiple, we must coordinate them.

2024-02-28 22:46:18
#Renewable #Paul #Eluard #mobilization #built #destruction #education

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