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Education: Volkshochschule Günzburg wants to continue to defy Corona

Why the Günzburger Vhs is optimistic about the future despite the partly missing participation fees and which two members are new to the board.

This year’s general meeting of the adult education center (Vhs) is subject to the strict hygiene requirements
held in the Forum am Hofgarten – the motto: keep your distance, protect your mouth, but don’t keep your mouth shut!

The deputy chairman Berthold Lipp, on behalf of the sick chairman Walter Czech, guided through the event, which focused on the business report and the 2019 annual report. Both could be seen, the Vhs said, although the creativity in March was due to
was abruptly stopped. Until then, head Petra Demmel recalled readings with the nationally known philosopher Wilhelm Schmid or bestselling author Philipp Sendker in a presentation, emphasized the importance of political education with the journalist Mesale Tolu, who spent months in the
was in custody, with the district administrator talk or politician speed dating before the local elections in 2020.

Films with a message

The selection for the 31st Offingen Film Festival, which took up important articles of the constitution, proved that even supposedly light genres such as film can contain a political message. The educational institution was able to hold 719 events in Günzburg and the branch offices in 2019, with the language courses and above all the integration courses providing an important and reliable basis.

Read now: Today’s edition of your daily newspaper as an e-paper.

Demmel called it a stroke of luck, the admission at
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Applied for in 2011 and advanced professionalization in this area in 2014. Because these courses would run reliably and subsidized even in times of Corona, so that a total financial loss in the current year could be avoided.

Which makes you confident

Demmel followed up on her report on 2019 with an outlook for 2020 and 2021, since all plans have changed with Corona. Despite a failure of the participation fees of 37 percent in the first half of 2020, of which only a third would be covered by the Bavarian state’s rescue fund, and further expected losses in autumn and winter, the head of the Günzburg educational institution is convinced that the Vhs Günzburg from this Crisis could emerge stronger. She justifies her optimism and fighting spirit of the whole team with the fact that some new sponsors could be won to continue the digitization; the lecturers and participants were open to this step and the intensified networking would give hope for further future-oriented expansion.

The optimism was underpinned by the annual financial statements for 2019, which were unanimously approved by the assembly. With a surplus of 29,587 euros and the release of provisions, combined with the fact that the permanent staff of the Vhs has been on short-time work since April (Demmel: “We’re starting to save!”), The deficit in the Corona year is wanted Keep 2020 to a manageable level.

Seitz and Munk are now there

The managing director finds great support in these efforts from the entire board, which received two new members after the local elections: Ursula Seitz now represents the city of Günzburg (previously Siegfried Ranz) and Ferdinand Munk the district of Günzburg (previously Robert Strobel). Both were confirmed by the general assembly in accordance with the statutes. And one thing was still important to the director, as there had been repeated inquiries: Even if there was no program booklet in the current semester due to the planning difficulties, many courses have already taken place again, always with the necessary conditions such as reduced number of participants and regular airing . Should a corona break be ordered for the Vhs in November as well, the courses would probably be continued in December and additional offers could then start. Current information on the program and the development under Corona can be found at www.vhs-guenzburg.de.

Although one had to forego the usual cultural conclusion and stimulating conversations at the meeting, there was a humorous rounding off when the outgoing board member Siegfried Ranz wittily shared an anecdote from his time as a young Vhs helper. (zg)

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These cultural workers enrich the life of the city of Günzburg

Vhs Günzburg on 30 years of German unity: Let’s write about democracy!

Vhs Günzburg: Cautious way out of the crisis

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