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Education. The Dijon academy faced with the challenge of demographic decline

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is one of the least dynamic regions of France in terms of demography. A finding made for several years in the schools of the Academy of Dijon, which brings together the four departments of ancient Burgundy (Côte-d’Or, Nièvre, Saône-et-Loire and Yonne). An “atypical” and “very rural” territory, as the rector, Nathalie Albert-Moretti recalled on Wednesday, when presenting the “new measures provided for by the finance law and their distribution by academy for the start of the 2021 school year” .

A new distribution of teaching posts partly unveiled by the unions on Tuesday, during their day of mobilization. And figures confirmed by the rectorate, which provides for a decrease of 2,142 students in primary schools (nursery and elementary schools) of the Dijon academy for the start of the September 2021 school year. And a decrease of 246 students in those of the secondary (middle and high schools).

73 posts less in secondary education

Faced with these forecasts, the Ministry of Education has decided to withdraw 73 posts in teaching resources for secondary education, at the level of the academy, as of the next school year. “For two years, we have observed a significant drop in the number of secondary school students in the Dijon academy, where most other academies continue to gain,” continues Nathalie Albert Moretti. “This year, we will not experience a drop as significant as during the start of the 2020 school year (-1,149 pupils), but this particularity had to be taken into account. And it is the principle of solidarity between academies that prevails. With academies like ours losing positions, to the benefit of others experiencing significant demographic growth such as those in Bordeaux, Nantes or Lyon. “

In the first stage, on the other hand, the number of teachers will be constant throughout the academy. But here too, we had to reshuffle the cards from one department to another. When the Côte-d’Or gains three posts and the Saône-et-Loire thirteen, the Nièvre will lose four and the Yonne twelve.

“No school closure without the agreement of the mayors”

“In the first degree, we are facing a drop in the number of students which has been among the strongest for twenty years. But despite everything, the number of jobs has been stabilized, ”welcomed the rector. “Saône-et-Loire is the department that benefits the most from this new distribution, because it is the one that has been the least well off until now. However, the rate of supervision in the first degree will remain higher than the national average in each department. Since it will be 6.11 teachers for 100 students in Côte-d’Or and Saône-et-Loire, 6.48 in Yonne and 6.8 in Nièvre. Where the national average is 5.8. In addition, there will be no school closures without the agreement of the mayors. “

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