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Education: Saxony remains a model student, Berlin makes a significant leap forward

According to an annual comparative study by the employer-oriented Initiative New Social Market Economy (INSM), Saxony continues to have the best education system in Germany. INSM Education Monitor As in previous years, the Free State is a model student. Behind it is Bavaria, followed by Hamburg and Thuringia. At the bottom of the scale is Bremen, as was the case last year. Brandenburg is second to last, followed by North Rhine-Westphalia.

The comparative study uses 98 indicators to examine the education systems of the federal states. According to the authors, the evaluation is carried out expressly from an educational economics perspective. It analyzes the extent to which the states’ systems reduce educational poverty, contribute to securing prosperity, help secure skilled workers and promote growth. The permeability of the respective education system and the extent to which equal educational opportunities are achieved are also compared.

Specifically, it is about the ratio of education expenditure per student to total public expenditure per inhabitant. Investments in schools and universities, the staff-to-student ratio in educational institutions and class sizes are also compared.

According to the information, Berlin has made the biggest leap forward compared to the previous year, moving up from second to last place to twelfth place. In the long-term observation over the past ten years, Saarland and Hamburg have improved the most.

This is the 21st Education Monitor. The complete results with details for the federal states will not be presented until Tuesday.

According to Axel Plünnecke, head of the study and education economist at the German Economic Institute (IW), the greatest improvements nationwide over the past decade have been in the areas of internationalization, funding infrastructure and care conditions. “In the areas of integration, school quality and educational poverty, however, the challenges have increased significantly.”

The country ranking at a glance:

  1. Saxony
  2. Bayern
  3. Hamburg
  4. Thuringia
  5. Baden-Wurttemberg
  6. Saarland
  7. Hesse
  8. Lower Saxony
  9. Rheinland-Pfalz
  10. Schleswig-Holstein
  11. Saxony-Anhalt
  12. Berlin
  13. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  14. North Rhine-Westphalia
  15. Brandenburg
  16. Bremen

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