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Education, recovery, agriculture, vaccination … these big challenges awaiting the department of Cher

Small Towns of Tomorrow program, emergency situation at Bourges hospital, but also rural schools, agriculture or health situation … The prefect of Cher, Jean-Christophe Bouvier, invited the press, this Tuesday, February 23, to address “the regional issues that mobilize services ”.

Vaccinations Covid-19 According to the prefect, “34% of those over 75 are vaccinated. We will continue the pace of temporary vaccination centers for which we receive a lot of requests and which make it possible to reach a large part of the population. “

Closure of cultural venues Jean-Christophe Bouvier indicates that he is analyzing all requests for the reopening of cultural places made by elected officials. “This is the case for example in Vierzon and if the mayor of Bourges asks me for a site in particular, I will study it. If he assures that any authorization will pass through a higher authority, he does not refrain from studying. “National authorities can back up their decisions to local authorities, as in the Alpes-Maritimes (or a local confinement, the weekend, has just been put in place, editor’s note), he assures. It is our responsibility to study the requests, because the situation is only transitory and we have to come to think of the way out of the crisis because it will not necessarily be uniform at the national level. “

Agriculture Regarding the farmers’ request to be able to travel on the Bourges bypass (they demonstrated last week), the prefect is considering solutions on the parts of the road dependent on the State (some are managed by the departmental council) . “We are studying the possibility of opening the ring road to certain time slots when traffic is light,” he says. On the part limited to 110 kilometers per hour, the speed should be lowered. “

Reflecting on the rural school of the 21st century

Rural school “I have undertaken a work of reflection on the rural school of the 21st century by relying on the expertise of former elected officials,” detailed Jean-Christophe Bouvier. We must think about whether it is preferable to keep small structures until the end or whether it is better to anticipate the decline in the population by grouping together establishments. The objective is to guarantee educational quality to residents and new arrivals in order to be attractive. “

Small towns of tomorrowThe prefect recalled that seventeen communes of Cher have been selected in this device, equivalent to the Heart of the city Action program for communes of less than 20,000 inhabitants which can become centers of centrality, by carrying out projects thanks to allocated funds. by the state. “Some, like Aubigny, have taken the project head-on,” he said.

Recovery and ecological transition Five regions of the Cher (Sancerre-Sologne country, Loire-Val d’Aubois country, Berry Saint-Amandois country, Center-Cher territorial and rural balance center and Bourges Plus agglomeration) will benefit from recovery and ecological transition contracts which aim to consolidate the credits allocated by the State.


Within the framework of his mission “Economic rebound of the territories” entrusted by the Prime Minister, the deputy (MoDem) of Yvelines Jean-Noël Barrot will visit three companies of Vierzon tomorrow afternoon, in the company in particular of the prefect of Cher: Algosup, Ledger and Retotub.

Chloe Gherardi

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