Collect rubbish and kilometers
From the International Day of Forests on March 21, 2023, DFJW runs for the climate will start throughout Germany and France, with young people collecting garbage and kilometers. Until July 5th, the 60th birthday of the FGYO, kilometers will be counted and at the end of the FGYO exchanged for donations for a Franco-German reforestation project.
The more kilometers you run, the more forest is reforested and the more CO2 is saved sustainably. Important: The kilometers of each and every participant count! And: If you want to run and collect rubbish more than once, you are welcome to register multiple times. From March 21, the DFJW live ticker for the climate run can always be seen how many kilometers have already been accumulated.
In the autumn of the anniversary year 2023, young people from Germany and France will be reforesting.